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New gameplay here http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/22/titanfall-surprises-confirmed-for-vgx


Pity it's tied to just the Xbox One, 360 and PC.  Funny that EA announced the Microsoft exclusivity just one day after they posted a statement saying they were '100% behind the PS4' and 'didn't favour Microsoft in the slightest'! 


Oh well I'll just have to get this on PC; don't want to be playing on a 1280x720 resolution with the Xbox One as that will seem very retro like Windows 95.  EA have really missed a major opportunity and they have to be the most stupid company in gaming - Titanfall would look unreal on the PS4 and they'd make rake in quite a bang for their buck but instead they're honeymooning with Microsoft to try and diminish Sony!  Idiots the lot of em

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It's all falling apart for Titanfall! 


We've found out today that the game will only support 6v6 even on PC and there is only 5 maps. 


I was pumped for this but I can't bare playing a 6v6 in this day and age with 5 poxy maps after experiencing Battlefield 4 in all its (fixed) glory!

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This will rock on PC. BF4 on Ultra settings is one thing but this game looks immense. Bow down before the GTX 770 ;) puny consoles :P

I am gutted that this game is basically a forward-ported 360 game though. 6v6 is sooooo 1999 and having bots as opposed to real players is just like shitty squads mode in Ghosts. I was really pumped for this but it just doesn't seem to have the scale and ambition I thought it was destined to have. Still think it could be a blast but any whiff of Call of Duty and I'll be uninstalling it immediately :lol:


Apparently an alpha/beta/gamma/rodeo or whatever it's called version may hit PC soon just as did the Xbox One last week so we may get a sampler before blowing our money on EA once again

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That's every game now. They try to exploit every bit of cash they can out of gamers.

Yep! I hate this withheld content culture. I remember when Watch Dogs was delayed; Ubisoft started banging on about DLC coming out in the summer - I was thinking; perhaps they should get their game in order before talking about the bloody content! 

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2 week delay announced for the Xbox version to get more polished.


Will post a link to the article here soon, unless someone beats me to it

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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More polished = "completely fucked".


Polish happens in updates. Completely fucked happens in initial release.

The game was fucked as soon as they announced 6v6+bots! Xbox One gamers are lapping it up but on PC this game would be straight in the bargain bin. 


The only way it will do well is if it gets modded to fuck

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I've watched some gameplay footage and the game does look quite good. Shame I won't be able to play it. It's ok though, when Titanfall 2 comes out next year it will probably come to PS4.

Hope you're right about it coming to ps4, I almost got a Xbox One because of this game alone.


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Hope you're right about it coming to ps4, I almost got a Xbox One because of this game alone.

I thought about it too. The exclusivity agreement is only for the first game and Respawn have said that they will "definitely be making games for PS4, just not the first Titanfall." Given the fact that PS4 is more popular than XB1 and how well the game is likely to sell it would take an absurd amount of money to keep it exclusive
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I just worry Microsoft will throw their money at respawn to keep it exclusive and they won't be able to say no.

I may buy the game for the 360 if it gets favorable reviews for that system.

I think it's EA who signed the one game exclusivity with Microsoft just days after they said they were fully supporting the PS4 after the BF4 exclusivity u-turn debacle. Respawn are merely puppets like DICE on EA's books and even Vince Zampella was fuming at the move towards Xbox. Fair enough EA get a big payday pre-release but they've lost a market of potentially 5m+ gamers in doing this whilst alienating Sony and siding with cash-whores. 


The only system to get this game on is PC for sure :)


The hype is insane but this could just be a Crysis 2 type game where everyone was mesmerised at the beta and then bored of the game a week after release :lol:

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If you've been given an Xbox One code instead of a PC one; follow these steps:


  1. On EA Help - Search for Titanfall and select Contact Us.
  2. Select PC as the Platform, and click Next
  3. Select the Topic - Demo/Beta and type in Eligibility Issue in the subject line, and click Next
  4. Click on Email Me.
  5. On the next screen, when asking for What type of Demo/Beta issue you are having, select Eligibility
  6. Enter the Titanfall Beta code that is not working as the description of the problem.
  7. Select Submit.
  8. You will receive a new PC code within the next two hours.
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