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Whisper of the Worm


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Xol's back baby!


A few people noticed something strange happening on Io when starting a Taken Blight public event. A secondary boss can spawn away from the public event area, and upon killing it, a taken portal will appear in the area.


Through there, things get weird. Take your jumping puzzle hats and best add clearing weapons, because you'll need them to complete the mission in 20 minutes.


Your reward? Whisper of the Worm - a sniper rifle that is, to all intents and purposes, pre-nerf Black Hammer from D1. Polygonal rifling, ammo generated from thin air on precision shots, it's all there, and with a hefty lore tab too. And that's not to mention the catalyst that'll grant the Box Breathing trait too (as found on the IKELOS sniper).


I'll be spending tomorrow (Saturday) having a crack at this. Full fireteam and patience is definitely needed.


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Personally I got through the first jumping puzzle solo but couldn't find a way to progress further. If there's one thing Bungie do well however, it's creating a sense of awe in the player when given new vast looking spaces that they need to get through.

I can only hope there's a lot more of this to come..


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It actually exists. They've done an awesome job with this. Public Event completion, then kill Urzok tonopen a portal. Puzzle jumping for over 5 minutes then 3 rounds of hard Taken enemies to reach 3 final bosses.


20 minutes to complete it. You'll absolutely want to be 385 or as close to 385 as possible.


Datto below has done a video of their completion and clearly shows how difficult it is right now.


The gun is OP as hell and I love the fact it has an heroic version then available for the catalyst.



Bungie, if you had 3 or 4 of these dotted aroubd the world I think you'd be getting major plaudits on the implementation of these hidden missions.

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@Sabatine on PC has ran it and mentioned that the Catalyst progression is as follows:


The catalyst requires you to open hidden loot chests within the mission - you get 2% catalyst completion per chest. You also get 24% completion for clearing the Heroic mission once per week. So you can get a max for 36% catalyst progression per week.



That means theres quite abit of replayability in the mission. Equally normal mission is 380LL enemies, Heroic is 400LL. Yikes.

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373 I think

Via the FG App

So its milestones, raid drops and some random exotic drops are what you need. The first 2 drops in Raid Lair 1 give the easiest chests to open. We'll try and get you those drops

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@Horrible_Hector @RLPK and I got this today.  The mission itself is tough as fuck.   Matching the weapon burns with enemy shields is vital as well as max light.   The weapon itself is great. I can’t wait to use this sucker on calus or argos. 

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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I tried really late last night with @Bluebear and @Horrible_Hector but just couldn't nail it. The jumping puzzle just takes a little time to learn and you've got to try not to die too much. If you can finish the jumping puzzle somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes to go then there's a chance to do it. Thanks Hector for helping and persisting with us whilst we learnt the route!


I would suggest most newbies to this mission to not worry about your first run. Just get the jumping puzzle route down in your head so you know which ways to go.

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22 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:
23 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:
373 I think

Via the FG App

So its milestones, raid drops and some random exotic drops are what you need. The first 2 drops in Raid Lair 1 give the easiest chests to open. We'll try and get you those drops

My m8 needs to get it done and he is apart of the fg clan can any1 help plz

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3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I tried really late last night with @Bluebear and @Horrible_Hector but just couldn't nail it. The jumping puzzle just takes a little time to learn and you've got to try not to die too much. If you can finish the jumping puzzle somewhere between 12 and 15 minutes to go then there's a chance to do it. Thanks Hector for helping and persisting with us whilst we learnt the route!


I would suggest most newbies to this mission to not worry about your first run. Just get the jumping puzzle route down in your head so you know which ways to go.

Did you consider trying the shortcut? Apparently it can save 6+ minutes over the jumping puzzle and as it appears to be a definaye route and not a map glitch, I think we were meant to discover it


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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On 7/21/2018 at 7:47 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

It actually exists. They've done an awesome job with this. Public Event completion, then kill Urzok tonopen a portal. Puzzle jumping for over 5 minutes then 3 rounds of hard Taken enemies to reach 3 final bosses.


20 minutes to complete it. You'll absolutely want to be 385 or as close to 385 as possible.


Datto below has done a video of their completion and clearly shows how difficult it is right now.


The gun is OP as hell and I love the fact it has an heroic version then available for the catalyst.



Bungie, if you had 3 or 4 of these dotted aroubd the world I think you'd be getting major plaudits on the implementation of these hidden missions.

R u on now m8 as I am trying to do it and I need a clan m8

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The event will be closed in 40 minutes.


My view - Great decision.


Whilst I appreciate it is annoying if you haven't had chance yet or life has been in the way but this is where Destiny 2 was going wrong by making everything available all the time for everyone. I can see why many here didn't see the Wow factor anymore because you could do everything so easily all the time.


To boot its a weekly thing likely to open for 48 hours. Better than D1, 24 hours in a month option.


Makes me want to get this even more next time round.


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