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COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread


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I'm pretty sure I've been spawn killed in every cod I have every played...but it doesn't matter to me as I usually play S&D, and laugh at you spawn complainers :D


Unless I play with the DI guys then I get to whine about shit spawns lol.


Dude, this is next level spawn killing. Go play FFA. You'll see.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I played 4 FFA games last night. My worst game was 30-17. Had maybe one or two spawn deaths, but nothing to annoy me too much. I would like to add another complaint that has nothing to do with the game, but with the players. Get the fuck out of corners in TDM! (This is not directed at anyone on these forums)

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The lunge distance of the knife seems pretty excessive atm. There was an instance this morning where I was shooting two people who were running towards me, and whilst I killed the first guy, the second guy pretty much teleported quite a sizeable distance to stab me. Even watching the replay from his POV showed just how far away he was and he actually went through his team mates to get me, so it was a little frustrating.


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I think that may have been a connection issue, I go knife only and am finding it harder than on previous games and I've never got a kill that I've had no right in getting.


That's what I thought as well the other day when I was suffering in some CQB but my friend was getting absolutely molested by some OnlyUseMeBlade wannabes when we were talking the other night. Hopefully it is just a connection issue otherwise I might get a little wound up if it keeps happening :D


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It might also seems quite bad in Ghosts because of how bad knifing was in BO2. I don't mind it too muchm it sometimes saves me, sometimes goes against me. It's no Commando anyway.


Quite possibly! I felt like in BO2 that I was wielding a sodding ear bud for all the bloody use it did.


However I do find that sometimes that when the person is crouched or laying down the knife doesn't always connect properly, which leaves me there looking like im trying to give the enemy a short back and sides with a traditional shave thrown in


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