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Overwatch FG Heroes List


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Alright people


I have made it my duty to get a list of each of us that plays Overwatch, along with a list of characters you feel you can play as to a good standard on competitive. We need to start getting better to compete with other teams of 6 players and I figured this would be a good way to start. I will combine everyone into the one post so its all in one place


Heres how I want it to shape up:


PSN name - Self explanatory

Competitive rank - Obviously this will fluctuate a lot depending on play but just a ballpark figure for now will be good, if your rank changes drastically post it on here again

Characters - Post at least 3 characters you can play well with on competitive, also in order of who you are best with (Number 1 being your best)

Plus any added explanation that's useful would be a bonus



So for me it would be:


Rank: 2800


1. Junkrat

2. D. VA

3. Fucking Hot Healing Chick! 

4. Lucio

5. Soldier

6. Hanzo

7. Symmetra

8. Orisa



Easy as that



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Nice post. I don't think we'll need to capture at least 3 heroes as some don't feel comfortable with more than 1/2 so it'll help to know who we don't play much of so we could practice those more.



2100ish currently

1. D.Va




2. Reinhardt

3. Tracer

4. Soldier

5. Lucio

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2550 - ish






I'm a sneaky bastard with Bastion.  I get more DPS with Soldier, but sometimes its just trash damage/mercy ult feeding.  Hanzo's OSK is sometimes better.  Ana is situational and I can help push a triple tank makeup along.


One thing that I'm guilty of, like others is wandering off for a quick pick instead of waiting for a team push.  Ults should be communicated better, especially devastating combos like hanzo/zarya.  Maybe an in game lead setup?


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I agree. Mercy should always warn she is about to res as well so people are ready. sometimes ill be scratching my arse cos im dead i get ressed and die straight away


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  • GazzaGarratt changed the title to Overwatch FG Heroes List
On 6 August 2017 at 6:42 PM, LordBaguette said:

I agree. Mercy should always warn she is about to res as well so people are ready. sometimes ill be scratching my arse cos im dead i get ressed and die straight away

Yep I'm awful at calling out res's as I'm trying to think a few steps ahead or the quickest way to get to someone who's in need of healing. Basically, my multitasking skills are not lit....non fleaky.....pretty much non existent 😄



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23 hours ago, tronic44 said:

Yep I'm awful at calling out res's as I'm trying to think a few steps ahead or the quickest way to get to someone who's in need of healing. Basically, my multitasking skills are not lit....non fleaky.....pretty much non existent 😄


Tbh, I think you're getting better mate. You're calling it out now as soon as you do it, ideallyba little earlier would help but I also get why Res are instinctive.


We need to check more in with each other when our Ultimate is ready. Last night was much better because we were calling out Ultimates and grouping up a hell of a lot more than usual. One of the main reason why we ended the night on a positive note.

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Probably about time to revive this thread with the new people getting on OW now.


Rank: 2750 - 3000


1. Moira

2. Pharah

3. Zarya

4. Symmetra

5. Doomfist


I'm pretty flexible for most of the heroes and can fill wherever needed but the above 5 are my go to picks

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I'm happy to leave Bastion and Soldier for the new guys to find their feet as they are generally easier characters to play and give you more space to think about the map and strats etc.


I'm liking Orisa at the moment.  Me and Tom (<-- I do this on purpose now) have joint custody of Hanzo.  I'm trying out pig and a few others, but I'm going to try and find someone who fits our makeup beterererer.



20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I'm comfortable to go most tanks but I think you guys know I've settled into the tank position for the team with either D.Va or Reinhardt.

Probably about time to revive this thread with the new people getting on OW now.

Rank: 2750 - 3000


1. Moira

2. Pharah

3. Zarya

4. Symmetra

5. Doomfist


I'm pretty flexible for most of the heroes and can fill wherever needed but the above 5 are my go to picks

Part of me feels like we need more players to be able to Heal and Support players with either Moira, Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, Bastion or Symmetra.

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Rather than posting a new topic I'll post in here.

I'm now getting on top of what I believe will be my mains.


In preferential order:

1: Genji

2: Winston

3: Pharah

4: Bastion


I want to get very good at Genji and Winston as I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) they're overly utilised in the clan.


Let me know your thoughts!

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3 hours ago, Mikepjbell said:

Rather than posting a new topic I'll post in here.

I'm now getting on top of what I believe will be my mains.


In preferential order:

1: Genji

2: Winston

3: Pharah

4: Bastion


I want to get very good at Genji and Winston as I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) they're overly utilised in the clan.


Let me know your thoughts!

A good Genii is awesome if you can do it dude. But there's a very high skill ceiling so lots of practice needed. That's why none of us can do it 😂😂

Winston is a really good shout too. He's got a really good kit, its all about learning when and where to jump and the bubble placement. A squishy's worst nightmare!!

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Agreed. Was going to try Genji, but as stretch says, you need some serious time to sink on that one. And some patient teammates whilst you learn.


We should probably set up a few practice evening where we all play quickplay (can't believe i'm saying that) and practice our next heroes. Or even some strats however that would be better on comp because quickplay is too inconsistent for results.

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11 hours ago, Stretch616 said:

A good Genii is awesome if you can do it dude. But there's a very high skill ceiling so lots of practice needed. That's why none of us can do it 😂😂

Winston is a really good shout too. He's got a really good kit, its all about learning when and where to jump and the bubble placement. A squishy's worst nightmare!!

Yeah Stretch you're right about the skill level required.


It's going to take me a long time to get him right, and he works best on a map with lots of structures to bounce between. If I'm in an open space I'm as good as dead, so I think with that comes map learning and learning where the health drops are.


I've been watching a heck of a lot of advances Genji tutorials on how to bounce in from the enemy back-line, and also to work from my own teams back-line to jump in only when you know you've got a definite kill, so on and so forth.


It's just going to take me time and slow adjustment of my view  (Y?) axis sensitivity to get it right.

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Good stuff dude. If you've got the patience then go for it. It's something we certainly don't have at the moment.


Just make sure you've got another character in reserve just in case we meet a random Genji pro who nicks him first!

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Yeah as I said Winston seems to be my reserve. I've done well with Winston recently just jumping in a messing around with the opposing team and jumping back out.


I don't think Winston's bubble is enough to sustain a proper defence though, it's destroyed pretty quickly and not really designed for that. Winston's more of a disruption character for the other team, similar to Genji.

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