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PTR Upcoming Hero Changes


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Oh man, the full video of old Ana is hilarious Bart 😂


Anyone know what her cool down is for the resurrect now? I actually think shes now an instapick, even if she wasn't before. If you can res a person every 8 seconds thats savage.

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On 27 August 2017 at 4:35 PM, GazzaGarratt said:

Oh man, the full video of old Ana is hilarious Bart 😂


Anyone know what her cool down is for the resurrect now? I actually think shes now an instapick, even if she wasn't before. If you can res a person every 8 seconds thats savage.

It's every 30 seconds and the radius is

only 5 metres but her ult is 20 seconds!! That'll have to change fo sho!



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Changes to a number of characters. Haven't got time to list them now but Fucking Hot Healing Chick! will be nerfed (not too much though).

Crispy and Tom beware on Hanzo, still can't believe a scatter arrow can kill Orisa in one shot.

Mei may become more of a player.

Symmetra I thought was already verging on OP. If she gets a slight buff, see her coming into play more often.

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A Sombra early PTR change snook in to the latest patch but has since been removed. However, now we know some of the info related to the next change to her as well as a small change to Mei:



The plan is to bring down the power of Sombra’s ult while making the rest of her abilities more widely useful.

  • No longer gains ult from health pack healing
  • Weapon Spread decreased by 10%
  • Hacking speed increased from 0.8s to 0.65s
  • Hacking will disable more abilities. Basically any ability that requires a button press will also be disabled. Here is a list:
    • Genji - Double Jump/Wall Climb
    • Pharah - Hover Jets
    • Hanzo - Wall Climb
    • Lucio - currently running Crossfade song will be disabled
    • Fucking Hot Healing Chick! - Angelic Descent



  • Balance change to see ammo cost for her icicle shot reduced from 25 to 20


I like the thinking of these changes. A good Sombra destoys the opposition with her Ult and its better to have a viable option in 1 on 1 battles outside of ults.

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