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What is your 'scratching chalkboard sound', that makes you shiver everyone time you hear it?


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Mine seem to be random, sometimes things bother me other times they don't.

Dragging chairs along the floor instead of picking the fucking thing up! If it's the right floor....or wrong depending on how you look at it, then the sound can be horrendous!



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Scratching silverware on ceramic plates.

Also wiping off a knife between the tines of a fork. Chad gets the dirtiest of looks for that one.

The pencil eraser thing as well.

Most screaking children.

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South African accents :lol: 

Police helicopter over my house at 3am

Brazilian neighbours who shout instead of talking

My girlfriend on the phone to her mum

Foxes having sex...which...by the sounds of it...is horrendous.






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I've found as I get older my OCD is getting worse and worse with each passing year so there's a list too long of things that bug me these days when I hear them. Couple main ones though...

People that make noise when they chew their food. Unless you are a horse, just stop already.

Any squeaks from a car's interior. My nephew's truck has all these little squeaks and noises coming from the dash and door panels and seats. Shit like that drives me to want to suck on the end of a revolver. I can't even ride with him in his truck anymore these days because of it.


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Just thinking about me or someone falling and skinning their knees. It gets me everytime. My nuts go all the way up to my armpits anytime it happens to some kid falling. It doesn't even have to happen, just thinking about it bothers me



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