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kids "beauty" pageants


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I have teenage daughters and as such they watch TV channels relevant to them so sometimes when I turn the TV on I come across these "shows" on this subject.

Now I'm not sure if its just Americans that do this but all the shows are from america, IMO some of it could be considered child abuse, I saw 2 parents earlier the father was holding up this 3/4 year old girls arms while the mother applied fake tan to her daughter with what looked like a paint roller all the time the child was screaming.

Now if I'd have been there I would have had to have said something.

So I just wondered as there's a wide range of nationalities and age groups on this forum what others thought of this?

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The vast majority of it completely pisses me off, especially when it's apparent that it's all about the parents and the kids don't want to be there. I saw an episode of Honey Boo Boo not too long ago and whilst I wouldn't want to be around the family, at least the child enjoys herself...



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I parental locked TLC in my house, no one has the code but me, and I chose random numbers, so that I will never be able to unlock it.


There is nothing redeemable about these shows, or events.


Half the time I want to start putting foot to ass on these child abusers, and the other half I want to start writing names down and turn them into the FBI for being pedobears.


Dear god, I pray I never relapse with some different strain of cancer thats terminal. I won't be baking meth, but I will most likely end up jsut as violent as Walter

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I hate all of it, the parents of any of these children are scum and deserve to have them taken away from them because they are not doing what's right for the child. I actually thought that Honey Boo Boo shit was fake but fuck me it's real, it actually made me feel sick when i saw about 10seconds of it then switched over. My children (when i have them) will be punished for watching stuff like this, what a great way to not only dumb down a nation but a whole planet. Normally i'd say don't take offence if any of you guys watch it but na, take as much offence as you can from this.



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Everything that has been said, I agree with. I catch my daughter watching shit like this and I just turn it off. I'm running the risk of her not wanting to come down to me on the weekends though (the 11 year old) but I just bribe her with horror films......


I wanna see Diddums come back here.


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I think there are a number of things wrong:


- These were meant for fun things to do for little "girly girls" to build their confidence and build positive self image and parents and organizers ruined it. Did the same with a lot of organized sports realy. 

- TV producers had a look and saw that it was a train wreck and people like watching train wreck and this is cheap to make so the make yet another show about stupid people and their stupid lives

- People just seem to like watching people making asses of themselves. It seems to make them feel good or something. The stupider the better. It guess it's the Jackass appeal.


My kids seem to have no interest in those shows so I'm rather happy about it. Seems to me people watch these things because they have nothing better to do.


There is one of those shows that I must admit I do like. Duck Dynasty. It's scripted as hell, but it's actually quite funny and the few episodes I have watched aren't what I would consider negative. They rather make fun of themselves but in the end it's about having a decent family. 

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