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An author, former police officer, and world famous firearms instructor contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in contributing a chapter to his upcoming book and offered what I felt was very fair compensation for the work.  Like enough to get a new Sig P226 Legion kind of compensation.  I almost deleted the message because I thought it was spam, no way this guy was actually contacting me.  I read it, called him, and sure as fuck it's him.  I've seen his videos in police training classes and online, I know his voice. 


It was tough not to go full fanboy and ask him to sign my titties, but I kept it reasonably professional.  No way I could negotiate the pay, I'd have done it for a sip of his coke and the last bite of his grilled cheese.  We're going to meet in person the next time he's in my area.  I may still ask him to sign my titties.


I don't think the department will let me use my real name.  I've got to come up with a sweet pen name if not.  He said other active cops who've done this sort of work for him often use a fake name until they retire and then use their real names afterward.  I don't know if this will lead to anything more, but even if it's a one and done it's a big honor for me and it's a really nice feeling to have an acknowledged international expert recognize some research I've done as valid and the takeaways as important to the point he believes the information will save lives of lawful handgun carriers.  Plus I may get my titties signed, so you know, there's that.


He said the contract isn't finalized but once it is we'll get started.  Further updates as events warrant.

That's ace Doc. As much as i don't comment much on your Firearms thread, i always read it and suffice to say its a fantastic and interesting read.

You know your stuff inside out on this so its great to hear you're getting a chance to work with someone in the same calibre as you.

And you may get your titties signed.

Well done mate.

Forum Signature Test.png


Brilliant work Doc. I may even have a cheeky little read when it's out! Your writing is always top notch and interesting to read.



Cool stuff Doc, it's always nice to have people recognize your passion for something you enjoy in life and want you to be a part of something such as that.


As to the pen name....I vote Officer "Sledge Hammer"...yes I admit, I use to watch it back in the day :D



That's awesome! How did he become aware of you and your expertise? What's your chapter about? Will you sign my titties?

  On 12/9/2014 at 2:59 PM, BO7H B4RRELS said:

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

  On 4/9/2016 at 1:46 PM, JsinOwl said:

That's awesome! How did he become aware of you and your expertise? What's your chapter about? Will you sign my titties?

Via a rather small forum of folks who are serious gun handlers. Lots of high end trainers, competitors, switched on cops, and researchers. He liked the stats I collect and post about citizen vs criminal fights and my writing style.

I'll leave at that until I have leave to say more publicly.

  On 4/9/2016 at 7:53 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

with someone in the same calibre as you.

Well done Lee, nice pun! :)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

  On 4/9/2016 at 5:19 AM, Docwagon said:
I don't think the department will let me use my real name.  I've got to come up with a sweet pen name if not.


i've always been partial to "Docwagon."  good luck with the titties.


also what are "switched on cops?"

"Switched on" means serious about training and it's application to self preservation.  You'd be surprised how many cops never touch their gun except at mandated inservice, don't seek outside agency training on managing contacts, etc. 

He got the go ahead from the editor, so we're moving forward with the assumption the contract will be signed shortly.  After mulling it over with my family and with my supervisors, I did elect to use a pen name.

  On 4/15/2016 at 7:56 PM, BO7H B4RRELS said:

Don't leave us hanging... what's the pen name?


It's SuPrisingly Easy Nowadays to Clearly figurE our Real names from screen names by Googling it and connecting one name to the other to the other.  Posting the pen name would sort of eliminate the point of using it.  I'm sure you fellows will figure it out, just don't spoil the surprise and post it.

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