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An interesting video

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Good video, the thing about the mission design I think is due to catering to both solo and team play, some good ideas that simply couldn't work solo.

As for the dark zone seems it's not exactly working to plan.

The endgame or lack of is why I'm not really grinding or rushing through.

One thing that confuses me as you get stronger so does the AI isn't that kind of pointless?

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One thing that confuses me as you get stronger so does the AI isn't that kind of pointless?

It's pretty much so you keep on par with the AI as the later missions have a recommended level to participate in and if you're below that or your gear isn't up to standard; your weapons wont be very effective and you'll get torn to shreds in seconds. I'm level 13 at the minute and accidentally stumbled into a level 14 area going down the train tracks and there was an encounter which I didn't realise I activated and I was mowed down by a level 14 two man AI team in just a few hits. If you do a mission where you're a couple ahead of the recommended; it's quite routine though.


What I find a bit pointless in regards to the end game is you grind for better gear in the dark zone and you have no missions to use them in. The only use for the highest level gear to to use against other players in the dark zone and that's it really. 


I'm hitting level 14 in 18 hours of play and I'm taking my time - haven't even fast traveled yet and doing everything at a good pace although I'm worried about hitting the endgame brick wall. Seems many people that have rushed it doing mission after mission have maxed out after 30 hours and then have nothing to do. I'm just gonna string it out for as long as possible. 

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That vid is Jackfrags though. Him and Frankie have been using controversy to get views for years. They're both idiots, both have been caught cheating, bribing server admins for goodies, and being absolute bell ends to people on DayZ.


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I fucking hate youtubers. They are the biggest complainers. They can't be pleased.

Because they disagree with you :)

In some respects this is true but if they say all is great it's wonderful they get accused of being sell outs.

Fact is people look for reviews and it's he said nothing others haven't but I prefer youtubers rather than just say it's shit to give possible solutions then it doesn't come across as just whining.

Thanks for the response James about power gains it didn't dawn about being locked out of missions till your the required level.

Oh and bellend isn't dick head but means much the same. It's the tip of your todger

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First impressions from that video are mixed. Fair points from him with regards to end game content. If there's nothing to do, then there's really nothing to do. However some people will continue to play the game even if they don't have anything left to grind for. They do it for this thing that people are calling "fun" which is a point that he doesn't touch on.

This "fun" element has meant that I have sinked a good amount of time into the game and am nowhere near the level that he is. Thus giving the game more longevity than people are making out.

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My issue with youtubers is that many make videos to be controversial or click bait. If you play the game for hours and have nothing but bad things to say that seems weird to me. I don't watch videos for their opinions. The only person who I will actually watch a review video is for Level Cap. He gives a honest opinion I feel.

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The only person who I will actually watch a review video is for Level Cap. He gives a honest opinion I feel.

Ironically; Jackfrags and Levelcap are bankrolled and managed by the same backer and are good friends IRL ;)


I do think Jack is quite a credible and balanced YouTuber although as with all of them these days; it's quantity of videos for clicks and to hell with the quality. I miss the days when you'd see a user like KYR Speedy upload one amazing video every 3 or so days and now with him and most of them; it's 3 videos a day most of the time.  

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Yeah but Level Cap also does a good,bad and ugly thing instead of bad,worse and fucked

Like I said; they are ran by the same company ;)


Jack does speak highly of the game in the video and as a user who has gone all the way in the game; it is interesting to hear his views on the latter stages of it. I do think he has some great points about the endgame aspect and in regards to missed opportunities in the overall design that precedes it. I think it's a pretty balanced video throughout.

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Angry Joe is my favourite reviewer. I used to like Cynical Brit but he's so full of himself nowadays. 



Angry Joe doesn't give a shit about publishers and stuff, he just blurts out whatever the hell he wants / thinks and does it very well. He never gets boring.


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Angry Joe is my favourite reviewer. I used to like Cynical Brit but he's so full of himself nowadays.

Angry Joe doesn't give a shit about publishers and stuff, he just blurts out whatever the hell he wants / thinks and does it very well. He never gets boring.

+1 for Angry Joe

Though honestly, I don't watch any YouTuber. Mr Fruit for lulz now and then, but most of his stuff is mediocre with a few gems mixed in. None of these guys are anything, they're just regular blokes talking about games. Angry Joe is at least impartial.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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My issue with youtubers is that many make videos to be controversial or click bait. If you play the game for hours and have nothing but bad things to say that seems weird to me.

Or there is a passion for the game, he does enjoy it, it seems just wants a better product.

You can generally tell when it's whining for whining sake and it's usually the cod youtubers.

I do watch angry Joe but it seems few and far between for him.

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