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Hey guys, I'm starting to get into BO3 quite a bit but really dont change loadouts or understand a great deal them and other things like Prestiging, etc.

What's good attachments to have generally for an AR? Do you keep changing them as you unlock i.e. they get better the higher the level?

When i prestige what happens to my guns and loadouts? Should i aim to do something before i prestige?

Cheers for the help guys.

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Attachments use what's best for you,watch driftor in depth videos like the one on grip and suppressor as they do different things and affect different guns err differently lol but you may be wasting an attachment slot.

When you prestige it's basically resetting back to start with unlocks but weapons stay at their respective level that you got them to previously and it seems the attachments you unlocked stay too (they did for an and kuda) you can also choose a permanent unlock go for something you unlock at a high level.

Also choose perks that go with your plays type or are situational you can change to I have one that has blind eye cold blooded and engineer (or I did before prestige) if opposite team throw a lot of scorestreaks down they won't get me and I can destroy them.

At the moment I like fast hands ghost and hard wired,I'll swap ghost for flak jacket for objective modes.

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As far as guns go, just use what feels best for you. It's a bit of a cop out answer, but it's true. One man's trophy is another man's trash. If you're using an AR then you want to keep you engagements at a midrange where you should be at an advantage vs smg but at a disadvantage vs sniper. That comes from learning the maps and the lanes in them which will just come with practice.

The same goes for the attachments. If you like the iron sights and do just fine then stick with that. If you're going for headshots, then use high cailbre. From a personal perspective i swear by stock and quickdraw at the very least. CoD is a game where fractions of a second count and those perks help reduce the time to get you on target.

The higher a level of something doesn't mean it's better, it just meant it was unlocked later!

When you prestige it's like starting all over again. However your gun progress will still be saved when you unlock the gun on your next go around. You will also get an unlock token to permanently unlock one weapon/gear/perk regardless of what level you are at. For example i just unlocked the M8 which is normally available at lvl55, i can now use it from lvl 1.

Other than that, the best advice i can give it to play slowly. It will help you pick up the game alot easier without feeling like a dying boy all the time!!

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Before stock was always a must on AR's but I think it's been nerfed to the point of useless this time but quickdraw I find is a must on all guns.

Funny you say that, as i notice a real big difference when using stock. I just feel so sluggish and lose alot of gun fights without it
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Funny you say that, as i notice a real big difference when using stock. I just feel so sluggish and lose alot of gun fights without it

I wonder if like other attachments is weapon based as Chris said stock did shit the other day as well.

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When i prestige what happens to my guns and loadouts? Should i aim to do something before i prestige?

I just hit first prestige last night and it seems you retain all your attachments to the guns but they become locked and unlock at their usual respective levels once again. You do receive a permanent unlock token once you prestige meaning you can choose any gun or perk, specialist, scorestreak, equipment etc.. that you can acquire at the very start and retain throughout without having to unlock again. Challenges and camo also remain once you prestige and you gain one extra create a class slot although all your previous custom classes will be wiped.


My advice for your unlock token is choose something essential that you wouldn't receive right from the get-go in the prestige e.g perhaps a gun that unlocks at level 20+. No point in retaining something you can automatically get at level 7 or so. 

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From what I've read and had some YouTubers say attachments work differently on different guns.

For me on AR'S quickdraw is a must.I typically also use grip as it actually works on most guns now. SMGS is quick draw, laser sight,fast mags or extended mags. Long barrel also works well on them.

Really it's all up to you. I use either no sights or a red dot. Hate acog as they bounce to much.

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Everything in COD is personal preference...

There's no right and wrong, every weapon and attachment has a situation where it can excel, it's up to you to maximise the situations where it can do its job...

As a personal preference, I have to use QuickDraw and stock on all ARs, sometimes can be a pain as it limits my use for anything else...

Not played BO3 yet so can't say if it's true in this game, but as a general rule, some of the best weapons in all previous CoDs are unlocked by default...


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This is all really helpful guys, cheers.

Never thought quickdraw would be so useful but makes sense what you say about speed to hit target.

My natural place will be with ARs. I like full auto guns, i like continually running around. What playstyle would suit SMGs? Also, sounds a stupid question, but is there attachments that counter each other i.e. i should never use at the same time?

The prestige makes sense now. Cheers.

I changed my scorestreak yesterday as i don't usually score well so went for UAV, care package, and talon...but very rarely get that. Seems to fit better with me and my playstyle.

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 What playstyle would suit SMGs?


Also, sounds a stupid question, but is there attachments that counter each other i.e. i should never use at the same time?

I changed my scorestreak yesterday as i don't usually score well so went for UAV, care package, and talon...but very rarely get that. Seems to fit better with me and my playstyle.


SMG's are typically used for rushing the enemy.  You want to be in their faces, hip firing a lot.  I personally prefer running a silencer on my smg's.  So I can get into their spawn and take out several at once before they know what hit them.  But, like others have said, it's all preference.  You'll just have to experiment a lot and see where your groove is.  


As far as attachments canceling each other out.  Not really, but sort of.  You wouldn't want to use long barrel and a silencer.  You're adding range, but then taking it away with the silencer.  If you're going to do that, just run a silencer.  Other examples might be using a sight meant for long range, and then adding rapid fire to your gun.  You're long range sight will be bouncing all over, making it useless.  


A good set of score streaks to start out with would be UAV, Counter UAV, and Lightening Strike.  




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