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First time driving


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I was 15 in a car park at asda with my dad, I remember trying to catch the car on the clutch without knowing that your kind of supposed to stop first.

Its a good job I had a fair few runs as a friend let me have a go in his car in a fish shop car park at 17 and I ran over a girl we were with, it was totally her fault but my mate was glad I could drive, this was my first emergency stop, I didn't even stall the car.

Good luck with your driving!

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"First" time was 12 years old on old farm roads...going 5 mph.


My real first driving however was at 15 when I got my permit, learning in a mall parking lot then drove home on the freeway going 45-50 on a 65 road, pissing EVERYONE off!


It's fun but a lot better if you have a parent/someone to help you learn for your first few drives, good luck have fun man.

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When I was 13 or 14.

Me, my dad, and my uncles (all 6 of them, plus their sons) were out on an annual off-roading trip through the Sonoran desert to reach this emotionally-significant hotel on the beach in the Gulf of Mexico (the same hotel that nabbed me a paralyzing fear of the ocean long ago).

Dont ask me the reason WHY its emotionally-significant, they never tell the young'uns. xD

Well, on the return trip home, my dad let me drive on this long strech of flat land.

He was drunk, however, and kept yelling "STAY ON THE ROAD CABRON SPEED UP".

He reached over and tried to show me correct hands-on-the-wheel placement while going 80mph in a Blazer truck and we veered of the road towards a miniture dune that, at this speed, sent us flying through the air.

Like seriously, 5 seconds of hang time.

We landed violently and broke the muffler, but were unharmed.

We just sat there quietly until I started up the car and got back on the road.

Good memories. :lol:

I've never driven since.



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I was 12 years old on an old dirt road. My dad put the truck in 1st gear and all I had to do was maintain the gas pedal. I did hit a huge pot hole in the road and the truck and us were bouncing all over the place. Mind you I could not stop because my reaction was poor for driving. Plus you had to push in the clutch and I didn't know that.

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Hi, my name's Dylan just had my first real lesion went really well was easier then i thought it would be really enjoyed it tho next one is next Tuesday at 2pm cant wait 


Must. Not. Correct.


I jest pal, congrats on your first lesson! So you didn't kill anyone/thing?


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I can still remember what it was like way back when I passed my test and got that freedom, its a skill for life.

From my perspective seems odd how young some of the kids look behind the wheel these days but good luck man.

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