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Court of Oryx Boss Guide


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You’ve got three tiers to navigate, with each one being progressively more difficult than the last one. Here’s a quick reminder on how to use Runes to activate those tiers.

Tier One

The first tier in the Court will throw one of six random bosses at you, each one boasting various mechanics that you need to figure out.

Vorlog – Hive Knight

Destiny Court (5)

Whenever Vorlog’s shield is whittled down, it’ll quickly recharge with a new elemental resistance. Just switch up your elements, and you’ll be gravy.Cra’adug and Mengoor – Hive and Taken Knights

The trick here, is that you need to get Cra’adug and Mengoor close to each other. One Guardian will need to act as bait, drawing one of the Knights to the other. When one Knight is dead, the shields will drop on the other.

Lokaar – Hive Wizard

Destiny Court (3)

Lokaar is easy to dispatch. Just whittle one of his elemental shields down with the appropriate elemental gun, and keep an eye out for him when he teleports, as he is a bit of a bullet sponge.

Alzok Däl, Gornuk Däl,Zyrok Däl – Hive Wizards

Destiny Court (1)

These three are bad enough on their own, but they’ve also got the knack to resurrect themselves with Jason Voorhees levels of gusto. You’ll need to focus on whittling down the health of each Hive Wizard evenly, before thrashing all three to death as quickly as you can.

Krughor – Hive Ogre

This ogre happens to have a shield that no firearm can dent. To short-circuit it, lure Krughor to some cursed Thralls, detonate them with bullets and Krughor will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Rinse and repeat.

Bracus Horu’usk – Taken Centurion

Destiny Court (2)

Bracus also has an invulnerable shield, that is bolstered by his troops. You’ll need to clear the court of all enemies before it’ll go down, which will leave the Centurion vulnerable until reinforcements arrive.

Tier Two

Destiny Court (4)

The second tier doubles down on the boss fights, by throwing two of the Tier One bosses at you. Success lies in not only surviving said tag teams, but understanding which bosses to prioritise. Each boss set on Tier Two is chosen randomly, and has a recommended light level of 240.

Tier Three

And now for the big guns. It’s recommended that your light level is around the 300 mark for these fights, which feature rotating bosses every week. The debut week of Destiny: The Taken King featured Kagoor as the Tier Three boss, alongside a Servite Ogre mini-boss. This week, the boss fight is against Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota.


Phase one of the fight will have you taking on the Servite Ogre. The Servite Ogre will be surrounded by other Ogres, a Devoured Shadow and a Maleficent Eye. Focus on taking the eye out first, in order to be buffed with a stacking ability called “Ogre’s Fury”. You’ll now deal increased damage to Ogres, with each Maleficent Eye stacking on the buff up to three times.

Keep yourself buffed, and the Servite Ogre will quickly fall.

Phase two brings Kagoor to the party, who will be vulnerable to damage as soon as the Servite Ogre is dead. He’ll spawn three more Ogres, so focus on killing him as quickly as possible and you’ll receive the following rewards:

Calcified Fragment XLIX

Completion of The Court of Oryx

Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota

Thalnok is a damn monster. It’ll spawn with wizards on both sides of the rift and a swordbearer on the ground level and smaller fodder troops.

Thalnok is similar to Crota if you’ve tackled that Raid before. Thalnok’s shield is only vulnerable to damage froma swordbearer weapon, so kill that trooper and grab its relic. The catch here comes from the two wizards, who will refresh Thalnok’s shield if left alone. Kill them quickly, and use anti-solar weapons to drop their shields.

You’ll have around enough time to land three heavy attacks on Thalnock, after which all of his assets in the field will respawn. Also, let your highest-ranking Guardian pick up the sword. The damage output is based on the light level of that Guardian. For your troubles, you’ll get the following rewards:

Calcified Fragment XLVII

Completion of The Court of Oryx

And there you go! You’ve gone to court and beaten the system! All that glorious loot and bragging rights, which didn’t help squat when Gavin and I teamed up with Grant Hinds to do a Strike this week. We’re thinking of calling the video Two Titans, A Hunter and a Pizza Pit:


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Ok i see what we did wrong on our tier 2 last night now. Looking over the notes i can't see it mentioning anywhere the strategy of "Running around in circles, screaming about fucking wizards, dying a fair bit, insulting your team mates, nipping off for a beer, running to the closest shiney object only to find it's actually some white ammo that you maxed out on about 10 minutes go"

Thank god for guides like this. Should be a breeze next time! [emoji41]

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Ok i see what we did wrong on our tier 2 last night now. Looking over the notes i can't see it mentioning anywhere the strategy of "Running around in circles, screaming about fucking wizards, dying a fair bit, insulting your team mates, nipping off for a beer, running to the closest shiney object only to find it's actually some white ammo that you maxed out on about 10 minutes go"

Thank god for guides like this. Should be a breeze next time! [emoji41]

I've did some tier twos with randoms that were harder that raid boss fights.

The tier three me,Gary and Didds did was pure luck that we beat it.

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I've did some tier twos with randoms that were harder that raid boss fights.

I can well believe that. Watched a vid last night of a tier 1 fight where it's the ogre with the cursed thrall shield. There's 5 people gojng fucking ham on the ogre and letting all their shit fly, i mean heavy, super, even throwing the gun at it after the ammo runs dry. However not one bullet of it affects the ogre, who then proceeds to stomp a mudhole in pretty much all of them!!

Fucking hilarilous to watch, nightmare to take part in!!

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Ok i see what we did wrong on our tier 2 last night now. Looking over the notes i can't see it mentioning anywhere the strategy of "Running around in circles, screaming about fucking wizards, dying a fair bit, insulting your team mates, nipping off for a beer, running to the closest shiney object only to find it's actually some white ammo that you maxed out on about 10 minutes go"

Thank god for guides like this. Should be a breeze next time! [emoji41]

So that's what happened after I left last night!!  :lol:  :lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Did this a bunch if times the other night.

4 people recommended.

Sword bearer and one more take out mob with the relic. Two others take out adds and wizards if you have time.

Wait for thalnoc to move to from left to right or vice versa. Aim your heavy, fire, then switch to primary to take him downdown. Sword bearer gets three hits and you can take him down again.

We got pretty close to the wire every time.

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If they change once a week, then this week's one is a cake walk, although we did have Charlie with us and he could probably solo it. It's a wizard thing, when he spawns the ground stays on fire but there's one area which is fire free, by standing on it you get some or other buff which allows you to damage him, he's untouchable otherwise. Have someone stand in the fire-free area to zerg adds as there will be many of them. Other two simply get buff, nuke wizard, get buff, nuke wizard, etc etc. Took about 5 mins, really easy.


That mini crota was a dick, but I think it'll get easier over time as the community figures out how it works. It's basically crota: kill sword bearer ---> take sword ---> everyone else take his shields down so he kneels ---> whack with sword ----> start again.


Takes a shit ton of firepower though, so come prepared.


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Killed Balwur last night with a group of randoms.


It took us about 5 attempts. Managing adds can be tricky, and it reinforced my thought that one person in every fireteam needs to stay on Add control at all times. 


No drops from the boss, but Eris gave me a level 300 Artifact.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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The group of randoms I did it with weren't even grouped up, it was 6 of us, we all just ran over and nailed it.


Basically whenever you see the Court Active, go over and help, it is loads of fun, and it all helps with your quest

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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If anyone is interested I need to get a Tier 3 done sometime.


So want to get this tier 3 done when back on sat does it mater if I don't have a tier 3 rune ? Will it count towards the quest if I join in as guest and get it completed ?


Pretty sure it counts even if it's not your rune


I agree with Bob. I believe the only thing you don't get is the engrams that pop out of the chest. Just like Tier 1 and 2.

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