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Infusion - how I think it works


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I've been trawling the internet to see how infusion works, specifically around the maths part. This is how it seems to work for people:


Identify the kit you want to infuse (increase its light level).

You then need kit in the same slot (special weapon if you want to upgrade a  shotgun for example) that has a higher light level. This can be blue, purple or yellow. Only purples and yellows can be infused into though


When you press the infuse button on the kit you want to upgrade the game identifies potential kit you can dismantle. So you don't use the resources until you know exactly what you are going to dismantle, so don't worry about just checking it out


How much upgrade you get seems to work like this


You get 80% of the difference between existing light level and the light level of the stuff you dismantle. I'm not sure how it deals with fractions, it might round up, down, to the nearest whole, or might not round at all (just might not show the decimal point)


Example - if you have a 280 legendary and a 288 blue, you can infuse the blue into  the legendary and expect to get a boost of 8*80%, which is 6.4. I think this rounds down to 6, but its hard to confirm. You will end up at 286 or 287 though (maybe 286.4 showing as 286). You wont get to 288, which is why its a big decision to give up that 288 blue.


Cant find anything on how it treats the decimal point, but the 80% seems fairly well confirmed on t'web


Anyone else finding anymore out please add to this


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Fractions are rounded up from what I have seen. (Although there is discussion on if it is based on the difference between the items being infused.)

A good rule-of-thumb I found with this is that basically for every 5 light you "infuse" into another item, you will gain 4 light for it.


Also, never make big light level jumps, always do small ones.


Also, also, use this:


Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Nice simple explanation there. I guess infusing isn't really worth while till you get to the 280ish region (not the exotic method though). Small jumps on good guns is more worthwhile i guess rather than sticking with a 230 purple all the way through the light levels.

Just guessing really based on the description

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It adds another dimension to the game I think, in that you kind of have to invest in your play style and plan to have fewer good guns available to you. in the past I used to run round with 3 shotguns, 3 snipers, 3 machine guns , 3 rocket launchers, covering all types of burn, and all at max damage value. Those days seem to be long gone.

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Nice simple explanation there. I guess infusing isn't really worth while till you get to the 280ish region (not the exotic method though). Small jumps on good guns is more worthwhile i guess rather than sticking with a 230 purple all the way through the light levels.

Just guessing really based on the description

Well, yes and no. Its a balancing act to be honest.


Me for example. The AR on my titan started life as a level 200 item. I immediately fused it with some blues that were around 256. It worked out great at first, as I made a huge leap forward. Now with it being 271 after making a ton of small leaps, I will infuse it with the first Exotic 290 I get.


I had the Blues to spare to infuse with. If I didn't though, and I only had a 290 Exotic, I think I still would have taken the infusion. that leap of 72 light levels would be nice.


It adds another dimension to the game I think, in that you kind of have to invest in your play style and plan to have fewer good guns available to you. in the past I used to run round with 3 shotguns, 3 snipers, 3 machine guns , 3 rocket launchers, covering all types of burn, and all at max damage value. Those days seem to be long gone.


Yea, I am finding myself more and more leaning on one set of gear for every situation. No more tweaking based off of encounter.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I see what you mean Bart. I've just started to acquire purples at the 260ish region. So haven't really had the infusing option. But with the example you gave it's totally worth it.

I guess there's no real right or wrong way. It's just whatever the best option is considering your Guardians current situation

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