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Mother's Day

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I hate made up holidays






So it's #fridaythe13th And you feel like dancin' And you feel like shinin' And you feel like letting loose Whatcha gonna be Babe, you better know And you better plan Better plan all day Better plan all week Better plan all month Better plan all year You're dressed up like a clown Putting on your act It's the only time all year You'll ever admit that I can see your eyes I can see your brain Baby, nothing's changed You're still hiding in a mask You take your fun seriously No, don't blow this year's chance Tomorrow your mold goes back on. After Halloween. You go to work today You'll go to work tomorrow Shitfaced tonight You'll brag about it for months Remember what I did Remember what I was Back on Halloween But what's in between Where are your ideas You sit around and dream For next Halloween Why not everyday Are you so afraid What will people say After Halloween Because your role is planned for you There's nothing you can do But stop and think it through But what will the boss say to you And what will your girlfriend say to you And the people out on the street they might glare at you And whadya know you're pretty self-conscious too So you run back and stuff yourselves in rigid business costumes Only at night to score is your leather uniform exhumed Why don't you take your social regulations And shove 'em up your ass


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Hallmark Holidays are absolutely ridiculous.  Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc.  Just silly.  If you love your significant other, treat them nicely 365 days a year, not on some dumb ass holiday.  Want to show your mom and dad that you love them, take them out to eat on a random day of the year and tell them that you appreciate everything they've done for you.  Don't do it on a day when you feel obligated to do it just because the card companies say so.  I hate this shit too; however, some of our mom's might not agree, so I thought I'd remind everyone.  :)   


My wife and I never buy each other anything for Valentine's Day.  We both agree that it's dumb.  "Here's your obligatory flowers, candy, and card.  I love you."  It feels so fake.  We try to do nice things for each other's birthdays, because it's once a year, and it's about that person, not Hallmark.  I think celebrating birthdays is kinda goofy too.  But, we've decided to do that instead of celebrating all these other's fake holidays.  




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I think birthdays are dumb too. I mean, I didn't do anything special that day. If anything, I should send a card to my mom saying thanks for pushing a watermelon through a hole the size if a golf ball.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I like these holidays. I know the whole concept of buying gifts for these types of events is too corportized but it's nice seeing my parents reaction when we buy them gifts. Yes you can do it anytime but with that day it makes my parents feel more special.

It is also about gathering with family. I like my family and it's not often that we get together. Everyone is usually busy with work and school. These are a few set times where we can actually gather together and give our parents something they can enjoy. We grew up poor so never really got anything for birthdays and Christmas. Now that we work and can afford it, we like to spoil our parents to let them know they did a well job through the dreaded times.

I know you can so that anytime, but having set times means we can plan ahead.

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I'm with most about crappy hols that aren't really hols, apart from....Mother's Day. However, this is partly cos she has been the mainstay in my life (and one of my best mates). Nev makes a good point if it's a time that your family get together and they don't very often.

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I think birthdays are dumb too. I mean, I didn't do anything special that day. If anything, I should send a card to my mom saying thanks for pushing a watermelon through a hole the size if a golf ball.

[emoji23] +1.

Unless the wife buys me a few video games. Then, you're wrong[emoji6]

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I'm with most about crappy hols that aren't really hols, apart from....Mother's Day. However, this is partly cos she has been the mainstay in my life (and one of my best mates). Nev makes a good point if it's a time that your family get together and they don't very often.

He's Canadian,he doesn't make good points ever. Aye
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