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Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer on PS3.


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There may possibly perhaps maybe might be a slight renaissance here. Is there anyone out there who owns it or would consider getting it so as to play along with lepercolony, Docwagon, and/or myself?

Just putting out some feelers.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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i'm seeing Ex Machina after work but i'll try to jump on for a couple games unless it'd be too late for you guys -- probably won't be until around 10pm.


it's gonna be super weird talking to my teammates for a change.  haven't had use for the headset in many cycles.  [that was a Mass Effect reference that i don't fully understand because i still haven't played the campaign.]

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Imagine what would happen on say Firebase Glacier, if you had two Justicars pop a bubble on either side if the upstairs room and you had two other characters who could detonate biotic explosions. Madness I tell, madness. Perhaps even my dream of an all Volus squad could come true. Oh, and we could do all Vorcha and all Krogan. OMG four Krogan Warlords versus the Geth!

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I've already put 600 hours into the multiplayer alone, but with fresh blood to play with, I can see another 100 to 200 easy. With so many characters, builds, and weapons it never seems to get old.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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That was a taste humble pie! =D

I was running around with no clue to where to hide. Every corridor I turned there was a praetorian. It was awesome.

I can't wait to get some decent weapons levelled and characters unlocked. I mostly have vanilla for now.

Thanks for the great games.

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That was a taste humble pie! =D

I was running around with no clue to where to hide. Every corridor I turned there was a praetorian. It was awesome.

I can't wait to get some decent weapons levelled and characters unlocked. I mostly have vanilla for now.

Thanks for the great games.


When you've got vanilla characters, you may want to consider partnering up with someone and supporting them for "burst damage"




Both of you choose a class that supports the other, you prime a burst and he detonates the burst.  You are basically making bursts twice as fast, and that adds up to real damage in gold/platinum games.

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Finally can hold my own in silver! Such a huge difference then when I first started on Friday lol. Which way am I going? What do i do? To, biotic explosion for you, and biotic explosion for you and revive for me =D

I want to get the sentinel krogan. That looks fun.

Should I prestige my character?

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There are three reason to promote, none of which are a big deal.

1) Promoting gives you a war asset for the single player campaign.

2) It resets your powers, so you can try different builds. (You can also use a power reset card, but your don't get those that often.)

3) If you want to complete the N7 Mastery challenge which will give you a couple cool banners and is a requirement for completing the Mass Effect Mastery challenge which is how you get the Best of the Best banner.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Ran the Krogan sentinel last night. I just say, it is very annoying using the krogan. They block half my tv screen and I seem to miss the melee more often than not. It takes me 3-4 swings before I hit someone and often times they die due to my teammates.

Maybe the vanguard will be different.

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