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Recruiting new members


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Just a heads up to all, I'm going to make a push for new members on the Bungie forums, could the clan admins please keep an eye on the clan page for any applications and accept if you think they look ok.


Obviously if you know of anyone who would like to join then please feel free to invite them.


Hopefully we can get a few new folks for tomorrow's banner start!


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Yep, I'm on a mission for fresh blood.


Sadly the only other person who's really put in any effort to bring in new members are the Owl and Ryan (that I know of).


The rest of you are lazy scum and should have fingers pointed at you and tutted at for not pulling your fingers out :P


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The rest of you are lazy scum and should have fingers pointed at you and tutted at for not pulling your fingers out :P

I've tried to get my mum on board but with sexy bastards like Phil and Rich on the scene; the forum will just descend into pure carnage.


We need more birds on this forum too because there are too many tits on here of the other kind B)  

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For fuck sakes. Bungie can't even get a fucking forum to work without bugs and fuckups.


Can someone post this on their forum for me under recruitment please? I suspect it's work's Internet Explorer which is getting in the way.




Good morning Guardians,

As a clan we find ourselves in need of fresh blood to join us in our battles against both aliens and guardians. We're a great bunch of folks who've been playing since the dawn of Destiny itself and have loads of wisdom and experience to share should you need any. We're mostly older folks but we have a few youngers guys rolling with us too and they seem to enjoy slingin' guns with us so we can't be too bad. We're a very close knit community spanning across whatever games people are enjoying at the time, whether it's Destiny, Borderlands, Call of Duty, Bloodborne, to name but a few.

With the Iron Banner returning tomorrow, many of us will be entering the fray looking for reputation and new shiny toys to play with and would like a few new faces to join us. We also do loads of raids and PVE stuff, including the weeklies and nightfalls.

We don't ask much, only that you have a headset and are a respectable person. Age is irrelevant to us, we find youngsters can be just as entertaining as us old fogies. We have members from all over the world, most notably UK, America and Canada so there are almost always a few members to roll with, whether it be bounties or Crota hard.

Feel free to drop a reply here, apply via our clan page (link below, this is rarely used by us however) or say hello on our forum (link at bottom of post. this is our hub for comms and arranging things, discussing the game or comparing epeens).

Clan page: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/188204
Forum: http://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/

Thanks for reading and see you all on the battlefield Guardians.




Try and butter it up a bit and add a shiny vajazzled title too.


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How about " wanted: swordbearer for hard mode so chip and crispy can finally beat crota"


Add me to that list  :D

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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My approach was to read people's posts and identify the rational ones. Then PM those folks. Occasionally I'd post about our clan in topics that seemed to have some interesting and civil discourse and that's what snagged Ryan IIRC.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Well this is a Canadian clan, isn't it?

Of course it is... We need more people for sure... It's getting to be a ghost town around here... I know when HOW drops most will be back, but we could all be on here right now getting all our guardians leveled up and ready to go! Especially the faction ranks...




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I'm just going to throw this out there but if/when we get new people on Destiny mostly let's try to help them out and not be douche bags about it. A lot of people haven't ran raids very much and really don't know what to do. Learn some patience and take the time to explain things. Plus let's have fun.

Matt and I ran several low levels through VoG and it was some of the most fun I've had on Destiny in a long time. Well besides watching Diddums try to solo the abyss

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Chris, why are you yelling at me? =/

Jk man. True.

It's all of us. I think we've because complacent with the game and each other. We know all the secrets and cheese shit to do. I think we need to start trying other stuff. Blue weapon raids has been brought up several times. Or how about actually running crota and not cheese it.
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