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Exo movement - Stay or Go?


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Ok so I know this is a long way off but I thought I would get some opinions.


So the Exo movement is a big part of this game and has given a new dynamic to the game with the range of movement and also map design to take advantage of this.


There are various positive and negative points to it being in the game, but do you think Exo movement should return in the next CoD instalment? 


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Although the exo movement is pretty well implemented and a welcome change in AW; I don't think I could tolerate another COD like this anytime soon or a futuristic one once again. We've had 3 future-based games on the spin and I'm finding the franchise getting more tedious by the release. AW is a great game and probably the best since BO1 but my interest is waning big time of late and I'm completely tired of the same old BS associated with the games. Lag, P2P, host migrations, weapon balancing, glitches, campers etc... it's all there still even with a 3 year cycle.


I'm really pinning my faith in Treyarch next year and hope they do an old-skool WAW2 or something in between both the Black Ops titles. It'll probably be my last COD ever as the shitty IW and Ghosts 2 wouldn't interest me after that. If it's BO3 and its futuristic again; I really couldn't give a toss even if I do respect Treyarch and the work they've done over the years. COD also feels really dumbed-down in recent installments and the exo movement and no-recoil weapons just make things so piss-easy, it doesn't feel challenging or satisfying anymore. If AW happened 3 years ago it would be one of the best in the series but COD is getting really stale for me even though AW is a perfectly good attempt by SHG. 

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....I'm completely tired of the same old BS associated with the games. Lag, P2P, host migrations, weapon balancing, glitches, campers etc... it's all there still even with a 3 year cycle.

It's no secret that COD is not as widely appreciated as it used to be.

However P2P (I assume you mean microtransactions and DLC) is here to stay in all games whetger we like it or not. There is not a AAA title that does not have some form of DLC released at some point. It's more a state of the nation rather than a fault of the COD series

Lag/Host Migration is an issue that will be here to stay until proper dedicated servers are used. Until then we have to either suck it up or stop playing. That's the tough truth. It's just those few milliseconds of lag is so much more noticeable in a twitch shooter like this

Campers are just part of the COD community. Much as it sucks, they have a right to play ot their way just as much as you do yours. Quite what the developers of the next game could do are limited. And if they did something to protect against camping then they risk alienating a large portion of the player base who are just not good enough to run and gun like a lot of us here.

Weapon balancing is only a good thing surely? It's a way of admiting something wasn't quite right and correcting it. Frankly i'd be more worried if they didn't nerf/buff weapons and buried their heads in the sand.

COD has it's issues, but most of them are common issue throughout all console FPS games. For me it's the best of a bad bunch at the moment, roll on the next IP to take the throne

Edit: Exo movement is great this time around, but i think it needs to go back to it's roots next time

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It's no secret that COD is not as widely appreciated as it used to be.

However P2P (I assume you mean microtransactions and DLC) 

P2P as in Peer-to-peer.


It's actually insulting that a brand of this magnitude still utlises this over dedicated servers considering the money it generates per user. They have several branches of them probably being saved for League Play but this on top of SBMM is just unworkable and inexcusable. 


I remember the days playing Quake III on Dreamcast with 100,000+ others and dedicated servers. 

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I have to give credit to sledgehammer I didn't think they could make a worse game than ghosts but they did so well done on launching the worst cod in history.

Anymore exo suits and they won't get my money, infact until I see favourable reviews from certain people I won't buy another.

Oh and it's a shame that the community has as much to blame for its demise as mlg.

The MP in destiny is known to be broken but it's still more fun than AW for the the short time I endured it.

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P2P as in Peer-to-peer.

It's actually insulting that a brand of this magnitude still utlises this over dedicated servers considering the money it generates per user. They have several branches of them probably being saved for League Play but this on top of SBMM is just unworkable and inexcusable.

I remember the days playing Quake III on Dreamcast with 100,000+ others and dedicated servers.

What about the fact they are still using the same game engine since what MW2,only modified slightly

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What about the fact they are still using the same game engine since what MW2,only modified slightly

The engine is actually from 1999 by ID Tech and is a Quake III mod. It's just been re-written countless times. AW actually is running of the IW3 engine used in Ghosts which is also just a modified version of the one first seen in COD 4 back in 2007. I actually think SHG did well getting so much out of such a stale piece of kit with AW as I really thought IW had taken the tech as far as they could with Ghosts but certainly the current COD engine is being stretched to hell and it'll soon be holding back the franchise on a very noticeable level. Hopefully Activision will invest in the new Unreal 4 engine whatever the cost because if they don't; come 2019 when these current consoles cycle ends; COD will look and feel extremely past it. 

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