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A few rants.


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First off, the Comedian shotgun. Now as most of you know, this is my baby. My pride and joy. I'd go so far as to say that 90% of my Crucible kills are from it. HOWEVER! Mine is NOT the bought model, it's a drop. This means that it's missing the most important perk on a Comedian: auto fire. This results in me actually having to pay attention a bit with it as I can't just spray and pray, I need to actually land shots as I can spunk further than this thing can shoot. So, what did they do? Nerf it. 


That's right, they nerfed a gun which is completely useless to the majority of the playerbase, and is only effective in a minority of players' hands. Now I've done some digging to see if there's any record of it, but I can't find anything. Trust me though, this is nigh on the only gun I use in PVP, and it's had a nerf. A big one. Gone are the days of spanking people in one shot, I now have to melee baddies in most situations to seal the deal. Not cool.


Secondly, the connection issues are getting beyond a joke. The game's been out for a few months, getting kicked to orbit in the middle of a match is inexcusable. Fix it. 


Thirdly, whose bright fucking idea was it to allow level 5 players into the Crucible? These guys are a liability to the team. No Super, no specials or bonuses, just a basic player with a shitty gun. Again, fix it or make the banner a permanent thing. 


In case anyone's wondering, I'm working on the bounty for Invective. I completed it now, but getting the 25 kill spread with a nerfed gun and a fucking shit connection was pissing me off no end. 




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That sucks...Comedian > Invective....Although i love and treasure my Invective.
Do you think perhaps that the absence of the 'one shot' stopping power is due to the fact that 'most' players have fully powered up their Armour?
The game is moving along, and people are really scurrying to get that 30...

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Do you have the raid shotgun? It's a beast and full auto.

Second that. Found Verdict is the most common loot dropped to me (probably in the entire game [emoji15] ).

I love you Dave and your rants......

....but I'm with Stretch [emoji6]

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I can't remember the name of my purple shotgun, but its amazing! Not full auto, but I use it in conjuction with a level 20 blue Pistol when I PVP and its nuts

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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