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PS4 Dark Below exclusive Exotic weapon?

Adolf Sheekster

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Wouldn't surprise me if this was the case.

Looking at how the weapon progression is going to work i would guess it would be a rare weapon that goes through the legendary and exotic upgrade process. Having an exclusive straight up exotic would be another big smack in the face to Xbox. Having an upgradeable weapon would be a good middle ground

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Why punish xbox users? I don't get it. Bungie gave use some pretty useless exclusives. Not many people like dust palace. No one uses monte carlo. What else did we get? I could understand them being upset if ghallajhorn was only Ps. But monte carlo.... Really? A glorified version of doctor nope at best.

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I kinda feel bad for saying this, but i just acquired Hawkmoon by completing a Control match, in which i came in second last place lol..Got IceBreaker like that too..It is a funny game that we love indeed!

Nice,I really want Hawkmoon. Love my hand cannons.
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Hawkmoon is by all accounts, the best Hand Canon in the game. I would happily trade my soul for it.



As for exclusives in general, I think "timed" exclusives are lame. It's basically company A pays company B to withhold content from company C's consumers. Ghey. Company A should take that money and invest it in making original exclusive content for company A.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Hawkmoon is by all accounts, the best Hand Canon in the game. I would happily trade my soul for it.



As for exclusives in general, I think "timed" exclusives are lame. It's basically company A pays company B to withhold content from company C's consumers. Ghey. Company A should take that money and invest it in making original exclusive content for company A.

I truly do feel for XBONE owners on this one.

When previous gen consoles were released, i started with a 360, and then, after about 6 years, got into a ps3. I ended up playing my ps3 more from then on. And with the current gen, i went straight for a ps4. I will eventually end up with an XBONE however..

A game like this, it's kinda unfair to have exclusives, but PS3 owners never had HALO, so this might be some Xbox karma :P

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If this is karma, it's for all those years of 1 month exclusivity on CoD DLC.

And they can have Halo, we have Uncharted, God of War, The Last of Us, Demon's Souls, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Resistance, Valkyria Chronicles, and Ratchet & Clank.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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If this is karma, it's for all those years of 1 month exclusivity on CoD DLC.

And they can have Halo, we have Uncharted, God of War, The Last of Us, Demon's Souls, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Resistance, Valkyria Chronicles, and Ratchet & Clank.

I have played zero of those games.
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From reading this i might play a bit more PvP this week...would be nice to get some of those drops once in a while!

Yeah don't bet on it lol... I've done a fair bit early on in the game I got grim citizen by far the best drop I've had usually lucky to get anything :)

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wow... great exclusives...:) a four barrel shotgun I will never use, and a repeat of the nexus, but green slimed and orange shield... damn Bungie... I thought you were better than this...






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wow... great exclusives... :) a four barrel shotgun I will never use, and a repeat of the nexus, but green slimed and orange shield... damn Bungie... I thought you were better than this...




That's pretty sweet imo...

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