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Stuff I've bought - ONLY SELF TAKEN PHOTOS!


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New Keyboard. My B-day was last Thursday but I got gifts from the family today when they came by and amongst some of the stuff was this keyboard I have been wanting. In the computer room I have the lights off about 50% of the time because I am either watching TV while online or have the aquariums lite up, so it makes it hard to see the keyboard at times. So having an illuminated keyboard is something I really like so glad they just got me this.


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I've wanted a nice range bag for awhile now, but they are so expensive.  I got this one really cheap, I guess Hornady just wants some free advertising out of the deal, because there is no way this bag should retail for this price.  I bought one locally, but you can get it here:  http://www.hornady.com/store/Team-Hornady-Range-Bag/


Bags this size generally go for closer to $90 or so.

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^ looks cool. Those prices are nuts considering your bag was probably landed at max like $20 from China. Working at a joint that imports bags I'm not sure how they justify a markup like that. Camera bags are similar and expensive like that too. I consulted Bees about the price of the bag with embroidery, he agreed with what I was thinking and said if you want to order 90 of them hit him up :lol:


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Shotmaxx shot timer.  You wear it like a watch and it works like a shot timer (can be set to randomly beep and then tell you your time to first shot, second shot, etc as well as other modes).




Boldly moving into the 21st century with an electronic powder scale.  Up until now I've always used a balance beam type scale.

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