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Stuff I've bought - ONLY SELF TAKEN PHOTOS!


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I stole this idea from another forum. Seems to be quite a popular topic so I'm starting it here.




ONLY post things you've bought.


No stock images. You MUST have taken the photo yourself.



Tips & tricks:


Photobucket app for Android uploads photos instantly, I'm sure there are loads more and iOS also has them. Makes uploading and sharing a photo a doddle.


I'll kick it off with some of this week's purchases:







£5.99 each at Curry's. Can never have too many memory sticks.





Christmas gift from Kyla. Wrapped under the tree. Going to help a lot with night shifts.





To stream media to our new bedroom telly:





No, not some cheap ass Black Friday shite but a full fledged, decent model. £270 iirc, lovely looking thing.




Water cooler with filters, to replace our old broken one. £10 for 12 filters given to us by the manager of Robert Dyas, usually about £3 each. top bloke.





Of all the stuff we bought, this is by far my favourite. These things were expensive. £30 for a cheese grater expensive. Thing is, I like little products like this which have thought put into them to make life easier. The grater for example folds flat to save space. One of the chopping boards folds into a pourer so anything you chop can be shoved straight into a pot / pan without messing. The other chopping board has a lip for pouring sauces, and on the bottom is has some spikes which hold meat in place when you're carving it. Really clever products.


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Outside of the little RC helicopter I bought for myself the other day I haven't really bought much lately except for Christmas gifts for the family, and I don't think pics of Pandora charms, cookie jars and snowbaby figures would interest you guys much lol


I am looking at another Rc heli for myself though, so I may buy another new one soon.


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Great idea Dids.

So after seeing your little Santa's grotto of stuff it got me thinking what i'd bought of any significance this week. As it turns out Ocado had a pretty good black friday deal, so i had a splurge and got all this shit:


Not the most glamorous but useful all the same. 2 and a bit months to go and my house will be full of this shit all over again! :)

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I've been wondering about that one, never really got into it on the PS3 but that's because I was enjoying other games mainly. If this is good on the Vita I'll definitely pick it up. Cheers Mike :)


I love LBP on the console, but the Vita one was my absolute favorite. Simply because of all the features they put into it. They also have a lot of mini games like table hockey and I think something like bedazzled. It's a good time crusher.


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That's brilliant Joe! 

My girl spotted the second one on my home theater speaker had a good laugh. Going to cut down our real tree tomorrow! Probably another 14 footer! :lol:


Just bought this little guy for my Niece for Christmas. She's been wanting one for the past 2 years so I finally broke down and got one today for her.

Nice nails bro. :P Seeing her face will be awesome!


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