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Vog Hard Mode


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I want to get a vog hard mode for next weekend. We will need level 29+. This is important because you take more damage if you are lower level than the enemies.

We should be able to do it with a solid team. If four of us can make it to atheon in normal mode, 6 of us should be able to beat it.

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I've tried Hard Mode with a team of five 29s and me at 30. All veteran raiders. We got demolished.

You need fully upgraded raid gear and raid weapons (bonus oracle damage, bonus super energy for killing oracles/minotaurs, etc.).

Oh, and there's no reviving. If you go down, you're done until the next checkpoint.

I'm totally willing to do it, but we're going to get wrecked. Hard mode is for 6 level 30s that can do the normal raid blindfolded with broken thumbs.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I'm about 7 shards and 20 spirit bloom from 30. So i'm in for this. I just need to concentrate on levelling up my weapons for the oracles.

//Dave - I can try and record some bits. Hoping to get the PVR hooked up shortly, if all works well i'm hoping i can record the game chat also

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The hard raid has been done with 28's before. It's a matter of everyone knowing what to do. Atheon would have to be a bit different strategy. Three teleport and one runs in to help them take out the praetorians. I've done a bit of reading and it makes sense on paper. Even if we get demolished, it's better to say we've tried and lost than we've never tried.

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I've tried Hard Mode with a team of five 29s and me at 30. All veteran raiders. We got demolished.

You need fully upgraded raid gear and raid weapons (bonus oracle damage, bonus super energy for killing oracles/minotaurs, etc.).

Oh, and there's no reviving. If you go down, you're done until the next checkpoint.

I'm totally willing to do it, but we're going to get wrecked. Hard mode is for 6 level 30s that can do the normal raid blindfolded with broken thumbs.

I like your confidence. =D

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It's a matter of everyone knowing what to do.

Knowing what to do, and not going down. That's what makes it so hard. One person goes down and it gets harder for everyone else, then a second goes down and you're fucked. Proceed to nearest cliff.

I'm down though, pulls up big boy pants and nods in direction of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls Platinum Trophies.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Knowing what to do, and not going down. That's what makes it so hard. One person goes down and it gets harder for everyone else, then a second goes down and you're fucked. Proceed to nearest cliff.

I'm down though, pulls up big boy pants and nods in direction of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls Platinum Trophies.

To bad RNGesus hates me and hasn't given me my big boy pants yet
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I haven't gotten my big boy pants yet, still waiting on Amazon. I think if one person dies we all have to wipe. If you wipe do you orbit?

Sign up for Prime, free two day delivery.[emoji6]

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Sounds like maxxing out raid guns is a must.

Like everyone else, I'd love a crack at it even if people may feel its a little early. It would be good to understand how far all our hard work grinding has paid off.

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It would definitely take a huge effort. But that means stocking up on heavy ammo synthetic and maxing out a few heavy weapons with void. I'm leveling ghallajhorn at the moment. I should also have a maxed unfriendly giant with void damage. My priority though is ghallajhorn. Hut I also have a ton of other weapons. We will definitely be getting raped without lube. But you know what? Your butt adapts, and once it does you'll be able to take more and more until finally you say enough is enough and go pick up borderlands presequel.

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