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My birthday is next month, and I'm trying to find a decent SSD for around $75.00.  I've found a few in that price range, but I don't know much about them.  Are there any certain brands to stay away from?  Anyone know of a good SSD for $75?  I mainly want it to just install Windows on and maybe a program or two.  120 GB would probably be enough.  


Thanks for your help.  




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Phil hit the nail on the head, however, Crucial recently released a range called the MX100 which have basically spanked all the Samsungs. You can get a 128gb model for $74.99 exactly.



Great drives and until you spend quadruple the price, they are king of the benchmarks as well.



Thing is, they're still new and are using new chips. The Samsungs have been king of the hill for a good two years now, so they're known to be bulletproof. These might be amazing, they might not. At the end of the day you might be getting something as reliable and better than the sammys, but you might also end up with a trailblazer that's burned out after a year. 


If I was in your shoes, Samsung. Odds are you won't notice the difference without benching software anyway. Best buy you'll ever have. 



Welcome to the SSD club :D


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Best Buy has the 120gb EVO for $79.99.


Newegg is a tenner more, plus iirc you have a Best Buy local to you. 


I just got my birthday present in the mail from my mother-in-law.  She got me the Samsung SSD 840 EVO 120GB. 


Now... is there anything I should know before I try to convert my O.S. over to it?  It came with a CD.  I guess I pop the CD in, copy everything over, shut down, restart with the new drive... or what?  Any help out there? 




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Samsung's software is great. First off, uninstall all the stuff you want to keep on your HDD, like your games library and anything that you don't need on your SSD. Run CCleaner and Malwarebytes, then defrag your drive. Then use Samsung's magic tool (wizard something iirc) to copy it all over, and once that's done change your Steam settings to install to your normal HDD. Games you play often however you can put on your SSD but don't go nuts. You know how it works. If you set a second folder, you can pick where you want the games to install from a drop down menu each time you install a game.


Follow the instructions. That's what I did and it worked a treat. Samsung really put a lot of thought into their software / manual and it makes life much easier.


Any questions, fire away :)


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I cloned the drive using the magic wizard cd thing... I went into BIOS to change the E: drive to be the boot drive, but I can't get it to boot from the SSD.  I get the error...





When I look at my drives it shows:


Local Disc C: Booting from here, my old windows drive.  (88.8 GB free of 148)


Local Disc E: The new SSD, with (53.5 GB free of 111)


Data F: No idea what this one is... (948 KB free of 99.9)


TB: my Terabyte drive w/ Steam, Games, Pics, Music, etc. stored onto it. 




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My C: drive is good to be cloned now.  I ran CCleaner and Malwarebytes, moved a few programs, defragged, etc. 


I still don't know what this Data drive is... ?






The contents of the "boot drive F:" is the same as the boot folder in my C: drive. 


So... how did it happen, what the hell, and derp? 




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Ok, that Boot stuff is obviously languages / regions. How big is it?


Put it this way, what exactly is on your SSD?


Oh and confirmed that the Data drive is stuff for the SSD itself, leave it alone.


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I don't really understand what you're talking about here but have you tried disconnecting your old drive and just booting from the SSD? So it only has the one drive to look at?


Also I Googled the fault and got this




It means absolutely nothing to me as I'm not fluent in Geek so I would let Dave look at it first, Tommy, if you're in any doubt


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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