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Planetside 2


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For real. It still says beta on the download for some reason but it's the full fat, balls to the wall game.

It just doesn't work :P

Download it and wait for the dust to settle, these devs are usually on the ball.


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I got to play one game, it was fun when there was action, but there was not much.

The servers are way under-populated (cause da fucked up) so it felt like a running simulation.

I can definitely see the potential in the game though, once they solve whatever teething problems they're having.


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Action will be hard to find at the moment as most of the players are staring at the login screen. The map is also huge. Like really, really, REALLY huge.

On a side note, I just did a bit of digging to see if I could link my PC account to my PS4 one as I have so many unlocks it's unreal. You can't link them which I think is great, provides more of a level playing field.

Just means I can't faceroll noobs in my maxed out Lightning :D


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Sorry, Vanguard, not Lightning.

Crikey, I could snipe people half way across a zone with that thing. I was insanely good with it, to the point I wasn't allowed to do anything else on bloodbath nights. I could easily take out a semi-decent squad with an engineer.


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That's a good question Pat, not actually sure. I would've thought that mixing NA and EU would cause all sorts of ping issues which is why it wasn't permitted on PC but it may be different for the PS4, time will tell.



Anywho, getting annoyed now. Last night it didn't work. Then before going to bed I tried once more just to see if it worked and it told me it needed an update. 2.225gb of update. Started it last night, and now, 16 hours later, it's still only about half way. 


They need to fix this shit, people will lose interest. Not even BF4 was this bad.


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I know that on the PC you could force it, but it had to be character specific. I think most of the Servers are on the west coast


From where I am assuming the distance is about the same (depending where in Europe)


It's 4700 Km to LA or 5300 Km to London. So I'd like to be able to chose based on server population.


As for the start up issues. You get what you pay for :)


Seriously however, a lot of the issues are due to the PSN store and people not being able to buy stuff correctly. Ironic for a "free 2 play" game. They didn't want to launch day 1 without people being able to buy because it would make the launch day revenues $0. 

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I got in.


I chose New Conglomerate on the Ceres server. I chose this purely for the Vanguard tank though, so if you guys have a play around and prefer the Vanu or the Reds then I can always swap. Do know that I'll whine like a bitch every time I have to drive anything that's not a Vanguard.



Get going folks, let's pwn some noobs!


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There's a small wait to get on, about 5-10 mins. If this turns out to be good and a load of us play it I'll pay for the sub and skip the queues.


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There's a small wait to get on, about 5-10 mins. If this turns out to be good and a load of us play it I'll pay for the sub and skip the queues.

Did we figure out if US can play with UK yet?


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Half an hour in, a few thoughts:



It's smooth. Like silly smooth. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be this smooth, very pleasantly surprised.


The graphics hold up remarkably well. Obviously the PC version is famous for it's beautiful vistas, but for a console, this is pretty damn good.


The unlock system is a bit irritating. On PC, you can buy whatever you want provided you've got the wedge. On this, you have to be certain levels in order to buy shit, a la CoD. It's not a game breaker if you're not familiar with the game and it also helps the noobs out in terms of seasoned players but it's still a bit annoying. 


I still don't know how to buy an AMS for a Sunderer. I can choose guns & the associated upgrades but I can't find the AMS. Obviously I can buy all the cosmetic shit which costs real cash but the critical stuff? No idea. Might need to rank up a bit first.


Friendly fire. Holy shit. It's ridiculous. My first two deaths were both from dumbass teammates shooting me. I had a few others too. I can only hope that this dies down a bit once people get more acquainted with the game. 


Noobs. Holy shit noobs. My first few deaths were glorious, after that I went on a massive rampage tearing people to pieces. 8 killstreak on my first night and only dying due to lack of ammo is pretty decent.


The maps are freaking tiny compared to the PC version, but I suspect that this is a training bit, and once we hit a certain level we get released into the open. I genuinely hope that the maps get bigger.


THE VANGUARD IS THERE! Level 22, but it's there. Sweet.


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Not really sure what the deal with that game is. 

I didn't really enjoy it. It felt like it wanted to be a Futuristic BF4, without the destruction, and with more running.


I will try it again, but idk.


Also whats the deal with getting promoted to a new map? that was weird, I was in Kolotyr (or whatever it was), I captured a point, and BAM I was all of a sudden on a new map


Also, I don't like microtransactions in FPS games to get gear.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I really liked it. It really did give that massive game feel. However learning the game is pretty difficult so i'm thankful we had Dids around to help guide us. Running around in a squad (eventually!) and communicating on this grand scale was a great feeling.

I know microtransactions are a marmite thing, but you have to consider that this game is great as is and is free. There's no pressure to spend money, but there is the option to spend a very small amount up to a significant amount. It caters to all people in that respect

Overall, very impressed and this is looking like a game that could take up alot if my time. At least until some of the big games come out later on this year

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Not really sure what the deal with that game is.

I didn't really enjoy it. It felt like it wanted to be a Futuristic BF4, without the destruction, and with more running.

I will try it again, but idk.

Also whats the deal with getting promoted to a new map? that was weird, I was in Kolotyr (or whatever it was), I captured a point, and BAM I was all of a sudden on a new map

Also, I don't like microtransactions in FPS games to get gear.

Tbh, if you haven't got someone that completely understands this game from the start it feels crap as that's how i felt on the beta.

However, after frustratingly working out how to squad up it was so much fun. You don't have to buy any microtransactions as its a bit like CoC so if you want a boost in xp then do it but it won't win you the fight.

It needs polishing, especially how you join up but there is a really enjoyable game there waiting for a grind.

My only hope is that there is enough variety in the game to play it. I might use the PS trophy system to help give me some more tangible goals as the fight is 24/7 and never stops.

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Last night was a blast, once we figured out how to work around the buggy squad system. Sucks balls that EU and NA can't play together, but there has to be some sort of workaround, maybe a VPN or something, but then there's no telling what the ping will be like. 


My minimap turned into a blank screen for a bit, bit annoying when you're trying to show your noob mates your leet driving skills (although that ship kinda sailed literally 5 mins into the game). 


Stretch seemed to love it, dude's like a laser with a sniper. Can't wait to see what he does with the bolt driver. Lee and I running around basically reviving each other all night long was epic, maybe one day we'll learn to use the guns too :D


Really enjoyed it. I'm going to start working on my Galaxy so we can have a flying fortress, that thing can rain down death like it's going out of fashion, and it functions as a flying spawnpoint for squadmates too. You think my driving is epic? Wait till you see me fly!


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Most important thing is situational awareness. Try remain in cover as much as possible, due to the map layout you will get attacked from everywhere so try and reduce those angles as much as possible.

Be an engineer or medic first, this way you can heal, revive, drop ammo, repair whilst you get a feel for the game and your certs (currency) will fly in. Concentrate first on infantry, ignore vehicles until you're confident enough on foot.

On my way out now but click this too Gary:


I probably won't be on tonight but Stretch and Lee are quite good as well now, they'll probably add some bits.

Just remember that it will be quite daunting at first. It's known as a noob unfriendly game but once you start making sense of it all there's a brilliant game underneath.

Oh one more thing, we're New Conglomerate on..... dunno, not Ceres, the other one.

And another one more thing, don't buy guns. The default New Conglomerate guns are some of the best in the game.


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