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London Meet Up 2014 (former Eurogamer Thread) - pg 29

Plumbers Crack

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I think Firday's pretty much going to be spent at mine. Drinkypoos are spensiff here in London and Eurogamer will probably fleece us a bit too, so I just bought four cases of beer, two bottles of Jaeger, two bottles of sours, loads of crisps & snax and other shite for us to consume. 


If anyone wants spirits you'll hafta bring your own, I just coined a hundo on booze alone so meh. Of course if you want to bring anything else that's cool too.


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Of course if you want to bring anything else that's cool too.

I'm guessing this is applying to everyone but me?  :lol:


I'll chuck some moneys at ya Dave.......but ya gota shake that booty first ;)


Dave, shall me and Cal meet you at Victoria, we can get there an hour or so early, i know some nice pubs around the area that we can grab a couple in :D


Ok i thought i was excited the other day but now i'm proper like a kid at Christmas!



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Erm. Dunno. Ask Stretch, I don't know where he's going. I fought Brixton but that's also Victoria line so fark nose.

I get into Euston bout 3, so i'll be at Brixton bout 4. After that i'm free as a bird

i'll also chip in a few quid on the booze dude

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Ok, here's MY plan. What YOUR plan is up to you. I will adapt to accommodate:


Meet Stretch at 4 at Brixton. Drop his shit off here, leave the car and go for a beer at Brixton. Then we'll meet up with Rich and Cal at Victoria, or you two can pick up Euan and catch a vittoriashizzle down to Brizton and meet us there.



Either way, whatever man. Whatever.


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Also, I imagine that Tam and Co will be arriving at some point too, so they can drop their shit off (and their luggage) and we can babysit him for the night whilst they do the romantic dinner thing. 


What's the deal with Hi My Name is Dylan and booze?


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ooooo are they going out for a romantic one? lol i'm guessing that's the deal of coming down to London is it? Good man Tam!


The deal with Dylan and booze is he has to ask everyone like that, so even if we're out at a bar he has to say "Hi my names Dylan, please may i have a....."


Or he has to say that with every drink, so if he's getting a round in he has to say


"Hi my names Dylan, please may i have a....." for every drink in the order!


This will all go on until we're sick of it btw lol



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It's all starting to sound like we have a bit of a plan! I suppose it's best to start off that way as we know it's all gonna go to shit once beer starts getting consumed.

Also I 2nd the Euan and Dylan treatment. Euan loves attention anyway!

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