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snoop dog dlc


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They'll probably have a Miley Cyrus DLC pack out next!


Call of Duty Ghosts is a fucking joke now. It's not the best of games and the worst in the series for me but now IW are just oozing desperation and sheer stupidity. 


Christ just think how COD used to be and what it has become now. 

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It seems like they are trying way to hard to make more money. Or trying to get the people who stopped playing back on. I think its a total waste of money and literally stupid. Plus if you are a season pass holder any DLC stuff that comes out we should get, and not have to pay for this $.99 or $1.99 crap. But thats just my opinion on that.


Here's an idea, instead of having new camos to purchase make challenges for the gamers to unlock these unique camos. So there has to be unique challenges to unlock these. It would make it interesting and not everyone will have them due to the time they have to put into it. Another opinion of mine which would be nice to see in future CoDs.

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also , so satisfying to see him get knifed after camping in that building for ages....urgh

lmao that's exactly what i thought!!!  :lol:


I was thinking wtf are you doing your loosi.....oh yeah it's cod, sorry  :wacko:



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I actually think I am more shocked that Snoop would do something like this after all he is a "OG". He went from one of the best rappers in the 90's to whoring himself out. 2Pac would be ashamed.

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While I think this fucking stupid, why wouldn't he do it? I mean, he's getting paid to just say a few lines of text. Any one of us would do it. Also, he's just following Ice Cube into the video game realm. Ice Cube has been do voice work for a few years now.


Just my $.02

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It seems like they are trying way to hard to make more money. Or trying to get the people who stopped playing back on. I think its a total waste of money and literally stupid. Plus if you are a season pass holder any DLC stuff that comes out we should get, and not have to pay for this $.99 or $1.99 crap. But thats just my opinion on that.


Here's an idea, instead of having new camos to purchase make challenges for the gamers to unlock these unique camos. So there has to be unique challenges to unlock these. It would make it interesting and not everyone will have them due to the time they have to put into it. Another opinion of mine which would be nice to see in future CoDs.

Micro DLC has no impact on the gameplay or effect on outcome, so I could care less. Its all about personal customization. The season pass specifically says the upcoming 4 Map packs, and not all DLC. I agree that it is silly as far as some goes, such as the snoop dog voice over, but its not hurting anything but anyone who blows all their money to have everything. I only bought one camo :P so itll be the one I use till the next batch comes out which probably wont be that long. lol

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