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UFL - Open Beta 7th-9th June & Impressions

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Finally a beta is now open for anyone that wants to give the upcoming game a go. I expect this to be still very early doors and probably with lots of things they have tweak but nice to give it a go as an alternative FC24.



Let us know what you think below. Only a small download at c.28GB on PS5.


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UFL Release Date pushed back - Now 5th December 2024. The full details on why are below from Strikers Inc.



UFL Release Date: Update


Hello, dear UFL fans! @everyone We've held two Open Beta Tests, and with the Common Test in its final stages, over 2 million participants have played UFL. Your participation, feedback, and positive critiques have been incredibly valuable to us. It wasn’t an easy decision, but having analyzed your feedback and a lot of game data, we've decided to reschedule the UFL release. We’d like to explain why we made this decision and what it means for you. While we could release the game as scheduled, we believe taking a little more time will allow us to provide the best experience possible. The majority of issues are related to polishing and fine-tuning the features that contribute to the game’s overall feel. We understand that there’s no recipe for a perfect football game, but it’s essential for us to ensure the game meets our high standards — and your expectations. UFL’s new release date is December 5, 2024. We’re excited for this date and are committed to making UFL a standout title in the football gaming world. It’s important to highlight that the game is Free to Play and built as a ‘Game as a Service’ product, which means UFL will have regular and meaningful updates both in core and meta once it's out. UFL will be available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. If you pre-order UFL, you’ll get early access and exclusive in-game content before the official launch. For those who’ve already pre-ordered, your order remains valid. Early access will start on November 28th. We’ll focus on polishing and updating the game in the areas highlighted during Common Test, add more modes and level-up the overall gaming experience & stability. We’ll keep creating new UFL Journey and UFL Insider episodes, where we’ll share insights into the game's progression and answer your questions. Public game tests will continue, and we’ll invite you to participate: active testers will be rewarded with exclusive in-game prizes and club crests. We’re proud of our dedicated community and value every opinion. Our approach is always community-driven, and we strive to meet your needs and expectations. Thank you for your patience and understanding. With your support, we’re confident that UFL will be extraordinary. Keep in touch UFL is coming in 2024 and it’s coming strong!


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I've forgot about this game but watched some footage and it honestly looks like a slow version of FIFA with a shoddier presentation. Quite disappointed really because initially the game was full of promise in not doing what EA were doing yet it now looks like a carbon copy and borderline asset flip. Some of the animations look decent though and far less erratic than in FIFA on Frostbite but it all looks a bit cheap


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On 9/2/2024 at 12:43 PM, J4MES OX4D said:

I've forgot about this game but watched some footage and it honestly looks like a slow version of FIFA with a shoddier presentation. Quite disappointed really because initially the game was full of promise in not doing what EA were doing yet it now looks like a carbon copy and borderline asset flip. Some of the animations look decent though and far less erratic than in FIFA on Frostbite but it all looks a bit cheap


On 9/3/2024 at 10:49 AM, Lurchzy said:

The gameplay looks arcade-like and the graphics aren’t great but I’m desperate for a football other than EA FC so I’m rooting for it!


I think this is the thing. I agree with both above. It won't be anywhere near what EA FC does. It looks rough and played very rough in the Beta. I think I'd still try and give it a chance as you hope over time they get it right.


On 9/3/2024 at 10:50 AM, Lurchzy said:

I hope they release a ‘Pro Clubs’ mode so we can play together.


Unfortunately no sign or comment on it later after launch. Stuff like this hurts new games to the market.

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