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Battlefield 2042 Now
10 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Downloaded it and tried it briefly last last. Too early to pass judgement, but not  overly excited. Fast TTK though, compared to earlier BF games 

Totally agree with that I think the ttk is too quick 

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The future of Battlefield

Battlefield 2042 is not battlefield it's a cash cow.

No amount of "tweaking" will fix the glaring omissions from what made battlefield so good and so different. 

If what you see and read about player retention is true then that is all you need to know. Let's be honest there are people out there that enjoying playing with turds😉

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Battlefield Skins Revealed

Where do I stand on skins, first of all make sure your game works, second, if fools want to waste their money on shit that's upto them, especially skins in an FPS. What I don't like is when you make fundamental design decisions just to integrate them, even more so when those design decisions changed is one of the core things that make battlefield, battlefield the class system.

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]

Having sat through the angry Joe review he was definitely generous with the 4/10. We know battlefield games launch bad which in itself is not an excuse but the one thing he said that resonates is the bones aren't there, they can patch glitches etc but all the core things that are missing and the dumb design decisions will likely never be fixed. If they were maybe then it would be worth a purchase. 

The sound part of the video was hilarious wtf is that soundtrack.

I would stop gaming before I'd play this in this state personally. 

Roll on bf7 not that they'd be hype after this one. 🤦

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]
12 hours ago, Greboth said:

I’m not saying people shouldn’t moan just have some objectivity when doing so.  Including things on the list that are in the game, things that make no sense to be in the game and subjective things that I doubt anyone except those making these lists care about knocks the credibility of the whole list.


Though on an unrelated note, I do look forward to having a good moan about GT7 having no spaceships to fly.

 I'll be most disappointed if there are no Jetsons spaceships in GT7.


However I'm certain you wouldn't moan if GT 7 launched with 3 tracks and 5 cars and no timer to see how your doing 😉

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]
2 hours ago, Greboth said:


I swear some people just like moaning too much.


I cba to go through the list one by one however, while I can’t defend the game too much as some of the points are valid I think some crosses the line in to nitpicking.  The lack of maps is a valid complaint but if there’s no naval maps why would there be naval vehicles?  No naval vehicles if there were naval maps I can get behind but how dare there not be vehicles I can’t use anyway is laughable.


As is complaining about the ingame music in my opinion.  Outside of Halo, I don’t think I could identify the music, or even the genre of music, used in any other games menus.  Even something like Destiny where I’ve got almost 2000 hours playtime I’ve still got no fucking clue.

 Thing is I agree some things are "nit picking" however people would probably be ok with some minor emmisions but fuck me look at the list, however we don't want to be seen to be moaning too much it's 2021 afterall got to be thankful they put out something..

...well here's you participation 🏆 dice well done. 



 Hope that links ok.

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]

Angry Joe's video was excellent, don't think I've enjoyed one of his rants as much.

As @MrBiron I was hoping for an updated BF4. This is so far from that id have thought it was made by a different studio, don't know why as time goes on people become more incompetent.


Did have a laugh at this.





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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]
5 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:

Don't you guys remember BF4 at launch? It sucked donkey balls a well. So much so that I uninstalled it and came back to it 4 months later 


DICE sucks a rolling out games at launch. Constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory after every shitty COD launch




I think people would understand and maybe defend that stance a little more if not for the lack of content and features FPS games should have. There's no stat tracking which "maybe added later" 🤦 

For me I loved to chill in conquest small when I got sick of vehicle campers back in BF4, but no small game modes, no tdm for example wtf. People normally moan there's not enough weapons in a game, I've had people moaning BF4 had too many weapons.

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]

Can't believe people are defending this game. I've even come across people saying it's only a early launch and things wik change come the 19th and the old chestnut "I'm having fun and it works for me you must just suck"



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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]
23 hours ago, Greboth said:



That doesn’t excuse the small number of weapons but I’ll wait until I’ve played it to judge it.  

It seems that's the kind of thing these developers hope for that people will buy the game just "to see" 

To me that's what reviews are for, and so far Im waiting to see how it is after full release, if nothing changes I'm reluctant to spend money on it.


It seems these changes aren't to make a better game they're for making more profit.

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]

I was talking to @Stretch616  a little last night regarding the fact that Ive seen that theres no server browser except in portal and no mention of the smaller gamemodes. This is a big deal for me personally , stretch seems to think they may come with the release on the 19th. 🤷



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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]
1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I'm having huge doubts about whether I should get this game. It just doesn't look very refined and the amount of content is disgraceful really. It'll probably be a case of 3 years down the line the game will be fairly polished and we'll get the quantity content and quality we should've got day one.  It'll likely be yet another occasion where DICE and EA have failed to capitalise on Call of Duty's woes.


If I do get the game, it will primarily be due to a lack of other titles this holiday season. I could see myself definitely putting in some hours of BF2042 but I'm not even sure if it'll keep me interested up to and beyond Christmas - something that every COD game since 2013 has failed to do. 


It's just laughable that there is more content in Portal than the main game. For all its technical problems, Battlefield 4 just nailed so much and I don't think it was fully appreciated until years down the line. The amount of guns, high quality maps and core gameplay were all outstanding. No matter what 2042 does, I can already tell they wont even come close to that. 

100% this. 

It goes back to what I've thought before about these big franchises, they know what made them great but for some reason at this time they just seem to have no clue I don't know wether it's laziness or arrogance at this point however people still lap this shit up and I feel that's due to "content creators" as much as anyone. Nothing I've seen from YouTube makes this game say it's battlefield, it may as well be called generic fps 2.

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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]

On twitter last night I got replies saying it wasn't worth the money, this the most detailed reply, which I totally agree with.


Also only found out about the lack of weapons yesterday on YouTube and my reaction was that it's just not good enough. 


With lack of weapons and the specialists you could end up with 128 players all pretty much clones of each other.



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Battlefield 2042 - Beta Impressions

"How have we gone so far backwards"

Just sat through this video and tbh the one game I was actually looking forward to at this time is a don't go anywhere near. Notwithstanding the bugs the actual gameplay mechanics look like shit. The quote from the video I  started with after watching reviews of both this and vangaurd was my exact thought, 2 franchises that have hit it out of the box in the past that I used to hit as soon as they arrived and looked forward to playing have become a joke.


This is the first time I've watched a video by this guy but I want to thank YouTube for the recommendation. I need to see something completely change or the chances I get this anytime soon is zero.



 It's a long video but worth the watch, haven't  got the time last 2 minutes. 



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Battlefield 2042 - Beta Impressions

No scoreboard? 


I didn't get to play it and I was so looking forward to this game but that's been shot down with what I've heard and seen.


How is it that franchises that used to be great and fun could end up so bad. CoD and battlefield were great in the past, they are a template the Devs just had to build on but they try to reinvent the wheel and fail year after year yet people make excuses and continue to buy sub standard products. 🤦

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Battlefield live reveal
13 hours ago, phil bottle said:

So true. Once they sorted the issues and specifically the net code, which did take quite a while, BF4 was probably the finest shooter of its time. Not surprised people still play many years later. I'd still play it if anyone else in FG did. 

Even back when I was a cod fanboy BF4 is still my favourite FPS of all time. I loved the choice between all out conquest and the cod feeling no vehicle conquest small, 10v10 Dom in effect.

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