Centre Midfielder
Recommended Positions: LWB/RWB/CM/CAM
Height & Weight: 5’6/5’8/5'10, 119lbs
Skill Points – Stamina, Defending, Agility, Balance, Ball Control, Dribbling, Short Passing, Long Passing, Pace
You can see my build here:
Probably the build I had the most trouble pulling together, particularly because the role changes depending on the formation. What you require from a CM in 5-2-2-1, is very different to a CM in a 4-1-2-1-2. What I have built here is my best attempt at a box-to-box CM. In terms of positions, I've found CM to have the most complete stats, though a wing back or CAM would work for more defensive or offensive builds respectively.
For height I’d recommend either 5’6, 5’8, or 5'10. You don’t want to be completely useless going back, but will still need some mobility here. For weight, either 119lbs or 149lbs should work here.
We need to spread our skill points out across the board here, starting with a heavy investment into stamina. Defending is important, as is agility, balance, ball control and dribbling. Short and Long passing is essential. In my build I’ve decided to invest into long shots and an extra star in weak foot, though you could easily move these across to further increase pace or defending, or look at 5* skills and the flair trait.