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  1. If there's a GT7 night I'm game for that just need to focus on the books or licenses lol
  2. Thank you there's a lot of improvement to make lol
  3. Been trying to teach myself how to draw for awhile now I'm still not very good at it but I have a few that I tried tell me what yall think one is mine and one is the reference
  4. Congrats on the win guys going to be hitting destiny hard this weekend hopefully I can get over the hump lol
  5. Just mild frustration plus a little confusion I'm still trying to get my bearings on the map wanted to move forward but I'm kinda stuck been rolling a vagabond going to make him a hearty tank but want to do several builds based on traditional classes (knight, mage, rouge, and priest) but still need more time with the game
  6. Ps5 VGon_BGon48 EST US
  7. Wow it's been forever since I've played that!
  8. Welcome to the group and welcome to the mad house lol
  9. Lol I love this forum joking aside I got to point I've got to do weekly stuff
  10. I've played both but I've been more invested in diablo 2 the slower pace seems to work for me and that customization and build diversity is better I feel diablo 2 and path of exile are similar
  11. OK I'll turn off the assist next time I play but may jump on destiny or elden ring
  12. Yup I hope to be in the next go! Lol
  13. The tuning for me is a little confusing never really understood it
  14. I'm liking it as well it's a little difficult for me but that's due to lack of skill/knowledge about the game I'm thinking of turning off the brake assist
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