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Everything posted by burnfitbillyboy

  1. Well I've sold my PS3 now
  2. I had the chance to get Ghosts on Saturday! Was so tempting but I'll just hold out.
  3. I remember reading a month back that the only Xbox One pre order package left was £650 with Ghosts! Fuck Dat!
  4. I think there will be a double xp weekend when next gen launch as well, at least there better be. Then again I'll probably miss that as well!
  5. I think your challenge should be to only buy the game twice instead of your usual 3-5 times
  6. Eminems album, Eminems album and eh... Eminems album!
  7. You really are all sorts of awesome.
  8. Gimme a linky!!
  9. The Remington seems pretty deadly! Cant wait to get my hands on that!
  10. About halfway through I clicked on.
  11. New Elite... Same old shit. Doesn't surprise me.
  12. You disgust me...
  13. Sweet, I'll fix the OP tomorrow.
  14. Maybe Marksman Rifles? You liked the G3 in MW and I'm sure there is one similar to that.
  15. Is your challenge to buy the game?
  16. Yeah but it was a lumpy one so not very nice at all!
  17. I just threw up in my mouth slightly...
  18. Sounds like a plan!
  19. Good stuff! Mines is due in December
  20. Sounds good, next chance I get on the laptop I'm going to edit the OP or will I be better just starting a PPR?
  21. It better not be too long for you to get a PS4! I need some gaming with ma blad!
  22. So this was a let down Has everyone on this forum been castrated?
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