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Everything posted by Madjonny

  1. WOW... That actually looks really awesome! I cant pay for the same game again, in the space of a year though...
  2. Yay! It came today! Looks and feels really nice, the sticks feel perfect... Here it is... I'll have to game with it tomorrow, but first impressions are very good...
  3. I love it! Took me a long time to get the stock, but when I did it's probably my favourite AR... Fast reload is also good for me as a chronic reloader... When I unlock fast hands... It will be a dream...
  4. Is the aiming slower in AW? I thought it mite be, and have since turned up my sensitivity for the first time ever in any cod...
  5. What happens when you prestige this time around? Do we get to keep anything or? I ask because at rank 42/50 I finally feel comfortable with a few of my classes... Takes a while to get the stock on each AR, especially burst weapon. Then I just unlocked the gung-ho perk allowing me to shoot while I'm still sprinting. I finally feel comfortable and I'm wondering will I lose it all?
  6. Really? I'm not seeing that many snipers... I have been quick scoped 4-5 times today but nothing major... And having picked up a sniper and had a quick look myself, the few times I did get done I had to appreciate the skill involved. They seem really slow to scope up...
  7. Guys... THE BLOG! Diddums is putting some great stuff up there... And I'm not sure many of you are checking it out...
  8. I'm getting worse! My aiming is so slow!
  9. The way I worded that sounded like a bit of a dick, I don't mean to come across that way btw... Anyway here's 1 of mine, the only class I have so far which is anywhere near what I would call a finished load out...
  10. Yours can be improved james... You have primary gunfighter yet only 2 attachments on your BAL... Remove it and take an extra grenade or remove the missile streak and take an attachment if I was you...
  11. I had a duplicate vest earlier I sold for 500xp... Better than nothing...
  12. I got an 11 just now... But prior to that this morning I hadn't even got a 650 point UAV... It is very hard to keep a streak going... Sometimes it's because I boost up or down right into the barrel of someone's gun ...
  13. So has anyone got anything really good yet or looks really awesome? I have a few "Elite" weapons, all of which are from weapons I don't really like the look of... I have an elite atlas 20mm- snapper. Sniper rifle, although I cannot use it or see the stats until rank 38. Elite Tac19- sledgehammer. Shotgun, I'm not ready for shotguns yet... Probably the best looking 1, EMP3 - Parsec. Heavy, semi auto energy weapon, tested in the firing range and it's very easy to keep it going without ever overheating if you time your shots... Also it has maximum range...
  14. When I found out there wasn't a blackbird I was really disappointed... What I really like though is that you upgrade the kill streaks, make the UAV more difficult to obtain to make it into a blackbird, customising how much it costs you vs how useful it is... I LOVE IT!
  15. They don't seem to be all powerful like previous years... In tight spots though they definatly excel as they should, hipfiring also seems a lot better with them... My favourite so far is the mp11, although you can't use it very long as it burns ammo...
  16. So far I must say its very enjoyable, you may be surprised...
  17. Never thought about it at the time, but it was TDM and we won and I went positive, I don't remember any more than that... Was probably the best game I had for the first hour of play...
  18. So far I really like it, the boot jumping is very useful and has its place... I just don't do it enough! I keep getting caught from above while I'm wondering around the ground sections... It will come with time... Just this second unlocked the stock for the BAL, can't wait! Can't stand becoming a statue when ADS... Had some good games, had some horrible games... 1 game I had my best TDM so far 19-4 and next round was 1-13 after about a minute... Couple of questions, Parabolic mic, means I can see enemy fire on map when they use silencers, correct? I'm using it now but can't really notice if I'm honest... Supply drops, how do we get them? Why do we get them? Are everyone's the same? E.G was my first 3 the same as your first 3?
  19. Seriously... 12.52-13.52 that's like 5 hours away! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
  20. As much as I love Fast and Furious, they really are getting a bit far fetched as you say... At it again with those super human jumps! I'm alright with most the things in there, but that jump lmao... What bs, I did it in the cinema in fast 6 when Dom jumps the gap between the highway, I let out a loud "HA Bullshit!" This will be another 1 of those... It may not seem like it but I am very exited and looking forwards to this... I do think it was better when it was more about street racing...
  21. Wow what a back 4 they have now... Valencia - a winger by trade Carrick - a midfielder McNair - untried inexperienced child Shaw - inexperienced, overrated Its going to be tough hold on now...
  22. Probably the turning point in this game... Not been much in it until then...
  23. I was watching hutch earlier, the connection was dire! Although I suppose there's not enough people online to get everyone from the same region together... I know there was a British guy in his lobby from his cursing over the mic...
  24. I checked the status of my order and all it said was 'workshop'... Not looking like I'll have it for release of AW, hopefully not long...
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