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Posts posted by Madjonny

  1. If you had enough spare points but I wouldn't worry too much, even with a max point strike of 150% you only end up with a 12.5 crit, perhaps upgrading the status and getting a few elementals would be better...

  2. Some of these are duplicates some not, anything I list i would trade...

    Primary parts:

    Boltor prime stock

    Burston prime barrel x2

    Latron prime receiver

    Paris prime lower limb x3

    Paris prime upper limb

    Reaper prime blueprint

    Secondary parts:

    Lex prime barrel

    Sicarus prime blueprint x2

    Melee parts:

    Dakra prime blade

    Dakar prime handle

    Fang prime blade x2

    Warframe parts:

    Mag prime blueprint x2

    Mods: rare only...

    Ice storm (pistol)


    Stalking fan scythe stance

    Seismic palm sparring stance

    Iron Phoenix single sword stance

    Firestorm (ignis and ogris)

    That's all for now... Let me know if anyone needs anything...

  3. I have probably 20-30 keys of various difficulty and missions, if I see anyone on I will invite some if you guys. I need to build clan key again after that I have a few formas if we still need them for whatever we're building next...

  4. Inviting can be difficult

    A lot of the missions are very much the same

    Everything is obtainable by playing the game for long periods. Yes it wants you to buy platinum but that's because they know how impatient people are, you can pay to win essentially but it only effects yourself as it's a co op game...

    The fun is trying the new warframes new weapons and just generally collecting treasure, the fun is getting a blueprint and then having to farm all the resources, then after a few days you have what your were trying to build, and it makes it that much more satisfying.

    I love this game and I'm glad I tried it when I did...

    First I did try it because if lack of games on ps4 but now it's just brilliant the more you progress the more interesting it becomes, seeing how long you can last in a survival etc collecting prime parts to build rare weapons and frames...

    So yes James I would still play it if there were more options on ps4, put it this way I have watchdogs, I played the first mission, haven't bothered to play it since warframe is just too interesting for me right now...

    Also, technically this is meant to be an open beta... There's a few bugs and glitches but even since Iv played it's improving all the time, so much new content is being released all the time. It's well worth a try IMO...

    EDIT: one annoying thing about this game is there's no explanation about anything, everything has to be learned by yourself and passed on to new players, like it has been in here lately, it's very confusing...

  5. You guys need to get your hands on this...


    One of the most useful mods I have used.

    Tenno spectres drop it on dark sector conflict missions.

    Fully ranked up it turns 40% of damage on health into energy.

    It's great for when your out of energy taking damage not much you can do, and then your shield is gone and your health starts going down, BOOM it kicks in and you then have enough energy for your ultimate ability, thus saving yours and maybe your teams life...

  6. Guys what's the situation with your research lab?

    E.G if you wanted to are you able to research things like sybaris rifle and nikana?

    Basically I'm just wondering wether you have to earn what the clan is able to research or it's all available to research from day 1 and just requires the resources and credits to create...

    I'm thinking of quitting my current clan as apparently there's been some sort of drama and most the friendly people who actually take part in anything seem to have jumped ship...

    This clan can research a lot of thing and I'm wondering if I move over into the FG clan I will at least have the option of all the research items.

    I hope this made sense and if anyone can confirm anything for me then if you'll have me I'd like to join FG...



    Everything on these tabs for each lab in the link above is at least able to research in my current lab, and I'd like to know if the same is available for yours?

  7. Best weapons I have used are:

    Braton prime

    Nikana (Dojo research) very good vs infested

    Nami skyla (Dojo research) insane slide/spin attack stats

    Dex furis is the only secondary I have ever used since having the starting lato, it was free if you logged in during a certain time as a reward. They are so good, but I also feel I could do with a new secondary to mix things up.

    Weapons to avoid!

    Dark sword, only available via alerts, but it's poor even at lv 30 with my best mods on

    Gorgon, only available via daily log in, has a wind up time where the fire rate increases and I just don't like it, only found it good after around lv 25 when it had my best mods on and then it ate through a 90 round clip in a few seconds, with poor accuracy and a 4 second reload time wasn't good at all, it was a real grind to max...

    Sorry I haven't been much help in finding you a secondary.

  8. How's that work? You research and it gives you blueprint?

    The clan can research different items after donating x amount of resources after the resources are donated by the clan wait 3 days and then you can purchase the blueprint for usually 15,000 credits, after that you build it in foundry like any other weapon. Weapons like nikana and sybaris etc are only available via this method or paying he extortionate platinum prices...

  9. Big clans fight over possession of dark sectors using solar rails, these must be researched in a different lab in the dojo. The controlling clan of each dark sector can put a tax on their sector, meaning everyone who completes the mission donates a small percentage of resources and credits to the controlling clan.

    When 2 clans are in a battle over the territory sometimes a clan offers battle pay, they will pay you x amount of credits to complete the mission in their name and help them win control of the sector.

    It's a bit confusing but it really only applies to large clans...

  10. It happens occasionally, ussually when PSN is on maintainence and such, sometimes it works if you just reboot everything but if if dosent work after a couple of attempts just call it a night, or you will be trying for ages...

  11. After playing for a little bit, creating a character doing the first mission, wandering around the lobby area getting a weapon and a ship etc, playing 1 round of a domination type game...

    It's alright, but that's it. I'm not quite sure what's so groundbreaking and justifying this hype, obviously I need to play more, but right now this is no better than something like killzone for the mp gameplay...

    I don't like the running, as always no shooter seems to know how to make running fell nice and smooth like COD.

    There's no happy medium with sensitivity for me, default 3 was way to sensitive, 2 is still too quick when ADS, and 1 is too slow. Also I found that when sprinting the initial response for aiming is slow, and not the same as when standing stationary.

    Map I played was very very basic, with ghosts being the last fps I played it was a bit of a shock coming from ghosts cluttered tight maps.

    However, I did like the openness of the map even if it was basic.

    Another thing I liked very much is that it works perfectly! Not the slightest bit of lag at all.

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