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Posts posted by Madjonny

  1. Did it! They're really being generous with the rewards of these special alerts, I wonder how long they're on for, because they're giving away a lot of the things most people actually buy platinum for...

    I'm not complaining though, just wish I could play all day so I didn't miss anything!

  2. They're rare, genuinely rare I think... I have 1 continuity for duration and 1 intensify for strength, I only recently got intensity... In like 130 hours of play those are the only ones of each type I have come across...

  3. Does anyone know the answer to this?

    Basically I just failed my rank 8 test, and judging by how difficult it's going to be for me to do it with a stupid controller setup I'm guessing it's going to take me a few days to do it...

    If I rank things up while I'm on max 7, will I still gain mastery points for when I have done the test? Or will I be wasting xp?

  4. Omg, rank 8 test is just silly... I'm going to have to change my whole button layout for it...

    My jump/ wall run button is x and I can't hold x and aim at the same time. I did change it to l1 right before the test but I just kept forgetting and falling down gaps... What's everyone else's jump button?

  5. Against ruk just run around until the various parts of his armour open up to reveal a purple core, then blast away, I'm sure rhinos stomp freezes him if you time it right when his armour is open...

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