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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. SnD isn't dropped and there's already been an SnD tournament for Ghosts. The fact that's it's available in Private Matches is enough for Competitive, they won't bother with SnD in multiplayer (league aside in BO2). I think it's a bigger deal that they are dropped other games modes COMPLETELY. CTF for example. I've already seen some scrim Dom but I think I'll missed Hardpoint. Will also be interesting to see how the maps work as Treyarch usually do a better job of map flow (is flow the right word?) than IW. My problem with SnD atm is the 15 second time for each round (that's seriously stupid) and the fact it only goes to 4 rounds. I think the rounds are a little long, hope they change it so it's more like Black Ops 2.
  2. I thought dedi servers were for next gen consoles?
  3. You heard right, didn't work though, bitch forgot to put her teeth in.
  4. FOAWDLPWYYT - F*ck Off Adam We Don't Like Playing With You Ya Twat
  5. The more SAT COMs you have out, the more powerful they are is my understating. Personally, I'm glad it's different because UAVs in MW3 could be annoying. They can be constant with people running Hardline (get one with 2 kills) and it also included in support. I bought Off the Grid because it's constant SAT COMs. I wish it wasn't even in the game, too easy to get and makes players too defensive.
  6. Selling the game on Saturday. Could have done with that $500,000 a few weeks ago when they originally said.
  7. I enjoy raging. Evening session went well, you're the reason I raged. Need to use the L115 with silencer more.
  8. When you get slagged off as much as I do you get used to having to think of comebacks.
  9. Well played Chris, done properly. No one has Tam, in having funsies. Don't think I'll get on again until late weekend, next week, in laws staying with us .
  10. Chasm is ok, I just don't like the colours around the B flag. I'm struggling to see enemies against the brown walls. And the wonky sky scraper floor makes me feel sick. Stonehaven looks awesome but is too big for 6v6. I like them all so far tbh. Strikezone's a good CQC map.
  11. Hey Captain Obvious, no need to fix it, it was a play on words, already implying what you think he didn't mean. You may as well as have put "Plus you like to have oily faps while thinking about Euan's glorious ginger locks of hair".I'm going to kill you today for real.
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