I was leveling abyss defiant today and noticed no difference.
Don't really use auto rifles in PvE most of time anyway it's usually scout rifles and hand cannons.
I've seen some YouTube videos saying people haven't noticed much difference in crucible but I will see this weekend when I give souros a go.
I got the new monarchy heavy machine gun for my new monarchy collection on my warlock, nice void burn it has field scour and already 87 in a magazine.
My first pulse rifle time on target is still in post master
I think we've done pretty well helping new players with raids, and some seem to have done well with loot they've dropped too.
It can be frustrating but it's also nice to go through with someone new and kind of relive it through them rather than just rush through just for shards especially VoG
Bluffin just noticed the blade Avatar and your from Northampton I have a biker friend who's a saints fan I assume I'm not up on rugby, lives in raunds.
I guess the bikes yours, I owned one briefly.
If you use the cheese spot it will make it more of a ballache.
I did wonder where Chris was after self reviving and was surprised where he took down taurec from.