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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Got 2 legendaries in the last 24 hrs!! One shotgun and one heavy machine gun. Will give names and report back on how they are later
  2. Awesome stuff. There's alot i want to get my teeth into now. With the Nightfall strike, Vault of glass, Gear grinding and soon the Queen's bounty mission i going to be very busy! I can't believe some people are saying there's not enough! This is all without any PvP and not thinking about a 2nd toon!
  3. Finally got my rare hand cannon and it's a beauty! Rare - Renegade mk.55 which can be upgraded to have explosive rounds! Loving being able to one shot enemies again
  4. I'll help with the info on my next missions, but once you're done with the story the only way of getting loot on story missions is through Engram drops. Whereas if you run the Vanguard strike missions you'll get 1/2 rares, engram drops, vanguard marks and vanguard xp. That's all i've been doing so far, it's just a case of being lucky with the drops. I've only got rares so far but i'm well on the way to just buying my first Legendary pce in the next day or 2. Edit: Weekly and daily missions are also a one time only reward
  5. Light levels for fully upgraded rares (blues) by level: Lvl 17 = +7 Lvl 18 = +9/10 Lvl 19 = +13 Lvl 20 = +15 This is only what i can see from my Warlock at the moment but i hope it serves well as a rough estimate for you
  6. Stretch616


    At least Bob. Wheb you enter your fireteam you have a week to complete. I just can't see them removing any PvE content at any point, it doesn't make sense
  7. Haven't read it but the wall of text males me think this is going to be a walk in the park
  8. Stretch616


    Raid's should be (afaik) a permanent addition to the game. Any other MMO out there has multiple raids of varying difficulties and level ranges. In fact with the vast promises Bungie has made i would be surprised if we didn't get another raid next month
  9. I noticed this last night. The light stat will improve as you improve your armour. So what is stated as the current light stat is not the end. So sometimes it would be worth putting on lesser light stat gear in order to level it up so it will eventually be an improvement. I'll post back later but i have fully upgraded rare gear at lvls 17, 18, 19 & 20 so i can let you know the finished light value. This may help you decide how to go about things
  10. Stretch616


    Yeah i heard there were some crazy death stats on that trial. I'm really hoping we can put together a team that will perservere through this kind of adversity. Will make finally doing the trial all the sweeter!
  11. Love hand cannons but not had a drop of a decent one since lvl10. I've been using the Strangers Rifle for the most part until i get a trusty hand cannon back. But for a pulse rifle it's pretty damn good.
  12. Awesome. Didn't think they were happening very often either that or i was being really unlucky!
  13. Not read this as i want to figure it out as a team so we can get a real sense of accomplishment. But for anyone else who is interested here you you go (taken from the Destiny forums): Spire Open the door. There are 3 zones one to the left, the right and directly below the big door. The objective is to activate and defend all 3 zones at once to raise a spire with a lazer that shoots and activates the door. Put 2 people on each of the three circles. The mid two can help the sides when needed. You DON’T have to stay in the circle once it’s up. But at least one should stay in close vicinity and keep the vex out. The Praetorians are the biggest problem. Call them out and use the proper weapon for the shield. STRATEGY: Divide your fireteam into 3 equal groups of 2 – higher level with a lower level. When you are ready clear out the starting vex and move into position around the zones. When all 3 groups are ready step into the zones until a big white barrier appears, if all 3 zones are activated you will see a message “the spire is forming”. Now comes the difficult part. Groups of vex will spawn from 2 locations at each zone. There will be a very difficult Minotaur or about 3 hobgoblins and 3 goblins. Minotaur is pretty difficult to defeat. Use fusion rifles with abyss damage to take down its shield, than finish him off with a heavy weapon. The groups of hobgoblins and goblins aren’t very hard to kill. If the vex enter the zone you will lose control and the progress on your spire will degrade. YOU DO NOT NEED TO STAND IN THE ZONE TO KEEP CONTROL. All you have to do is capture it once and you can freely leave but you must keep the vex out. If you manage to kill enough waves of vex until the spire is formed, you’ll be able to enter the vault of Glass! Enter the raid and continue forward to find a chest with your reward. The Templar You defend the middle, then the two sides, then all three. The “diseased” mobs drop debuff circles. Get rid of your debuffs before the ritual goes off by running into the glowing middle circle Glowing circle has limited uses. Try not to fail The fight with the second boss begins when you jump down from a ledge onto a big square stone platform. The “templar” will spawn. Your goal is simple, there will be a big lazer that spawns directly underneath where you landed that you must protect from the oncoming vex. Kill each wave until you have 2 machines to protect, one on the left and one on the right. When you kill enough waves you will get a message “a horde is coming”. A huge number of green slimy mobs will spawn, and when killed, they drop a large green puddle on the ground. AVOID THIS PUDDLE. If you walk into it you will become marked. Occasionally the boss “the templar”, (you still can’t damage him) will caste a global nuke. It will damage you only if you are marked. Clear this mark by running into a large fountain of light in the middle of the room. Once you defend 2 of the machines, it will move onto 3 machines. One to each side and one in the back. Defend all 3 from the waves of vex and you will be rewarded with a piece of loot or crafting materials. You fail during this fight by allowing the vex to sacrifice themselves to the machines. Simply kill them before they reach machines. This part is not very difficult. The Templar (part 2) Oracles spawn at locations designated by musical tones. You have to defeat them quickly or you’ll die due to debuff overload. Hobgoblins spawn on the pillars around the arena. I’d recommend putting someone on them before they get out of hand. After you defend the machines, your objective will be “kill the oracles“. The oracles are HUGE yellow balls of light. Music will alert you of their arrival, and they’ll spawn at locations designated by musical tones. This phase is very simple, kill the oracles every time they spawn, it may seem like you are doing something wrong because this phase takes a long time, but you aren’t just kill the oracles and wait for the next checkpoint, if you fail at killing an oracle you will be marked by the boss, “same mark as the yellow pools” and promptly killed when the boss does his nuke. kill enough oracles to reach the next checkpoint. The Templar (part 3) Put someone good on the relic. Then use it to defeat mobs, clean debuffs, and blow up the Templar’s shield. Once the shield goes down, someone gets trapped. Pew pew to get out. Just not with a rocket launcher. Everyone else focus on the Templar Now the fight with the actual boss begins. The boss will spawn an item in the middle of the room, called the relic. This item is extremely important and must be held by one of your members during the entire fight, or you will wipe. When you pick up the relic you receive a shield weapon. The relic does massive damage to enemies when you melee with it, so you want to use it to kill as many adds in the fight as possible. Once you grab the relic, the boss will spawn. He shoots purple missiles that do big damage, and one shot melee attack if you get too close. YOU CANNOT DAMAGE THE BOSSES SHIELD WITH CONVENTIONAL ATTACKS. This is where the relic comes into play. The relic has a super ability that when shot at the boss instantly removes his shield allowing you to attack him. When this happens every player has a chance to be trapped in a red globe. You must kill the globe before it kills you. It’s not a hard mechanic simply shoot it with your primary until its gone, and than promptly switch to the boss since your time to damage him is very limited. During the entire fight tons and tons of harpies will spaw. There is an endless stream, just try to ignore them as best you can, unless you have the relic, because killing them gives a large chunk of super energy. Oracles also spawn during entire fight. It’s only one at a time, but if you do happen to miss one and you become marked, the relic has another ability to cleanse the entire fireteam. When the relic holder removes the Templar’s shield ALL dps MUST switch to the boss. The boss has a softcare enrage mechanic in which oracles begin spawning at an alarming rate as well as minotaurs. If you hit this soft enrage you don’t have a chance to succeed. This boss toke us about 2 hours to complete, but once you understand the mechanics and set up some coordination you should be collecting your loot in no time! Gorgon’s maze You have to sneak past them. No weapons, no double jump, no supers. Grenades might distract them? Cloak does work If ANYONE is seen, everyone die. There’s a little cave in the floor you have to find to get past this part The Labyrinth, this zone has little white moves that float in the air that patrol the zone, if you are seen by one of these mobs your fireteam will be instantly killed and you must start over. the object is to go through the zone without being detected. STRATEGY: from where you spawn run forward and wait for the white mob to patrol around a rock, you will than run left toward the middle of the zone but staying on the left side the entire time, you will find an area with 4 stone pillars and is very bright, directly infront of one of the pillars is a small cave opening that leads you out of the zone, not very difficult once you figure out where the cave is. THE JUMPING PUZZLE: The next zone is a jumpin puzzle huge rock platforms spawn in the air and quickly despawn in a set pattern, watch the pattern until you realize where it leads, the object is to reach a small ledge on the far side of the canyon. you can die as many times as you need because you have a checkpoint right at the start of the puzzle TIP: most classes only need to go about halfway across the canyon before you can simple jump off a rock platform and use your boost jump to get to the ledge. Opening the gate You will open up into a huge room with lots of adds kill the gatekeeper and the hobgoblins, and there are 2 portals. To activate the portals there are zones – the same ones from the door boss at the start. They are hidden on the ground. Kill the normal gatekeeper Split the party. 2-3 go in the portals, others stay out to keep them open and to defend the middle thing. Middle thing is turret defense. Minotaurs spawn from the actual gate constantly and are the only mobs that can kill the middle pylon. Left has Praetoreans and right has hobgoblins. Both are annoying. Kill the gatekeeper in each portal. Grab the relic when you’re done. If it gets dropped for too long you die. Relic person has to leave the portal LAST or the people get stuck on the wrong side? Debuff here makes you have a black screen. Relic dispels. After you get through the portals and kill any oracles that may appear above the gates, a pillar begins to form in the center. Vex will charge at it and try to sacrifice themselves, if they do this, you all die. Last boss charges at you shooting, then teleports the 3 furthest players into one of the gates (random). The other three have to open the gate, 2 charge in and help, the other defends the gate from one hit kamakaze Vex, and keeps it open. Do this twice and the boss is weakened considerably, and easier to damage. You don’t have to kill the vex in the portal, just the oracles. The person with the relic has to hit a button which makes a bubble thing which cleanses the blindness for those in the portal area. It alternates to each portal area each time. There is a path around the area so you don’t have to kill the vex. Once the oracles are all dead, you portal out and attack the boss while it is weak. Rinse and repeat many times.
  14. Nice explanation of it all. Can we sticky this for a bit please admins? Very useful info in here
  15. Stretch616


    When you run the higher level strikes, missions etc.. you'll get better gear. Specifically on the armour you'll see a "light" statistic on it. When you equip this, it increases you level beyond 20. As i remember, an overall light statistic of 20 will get you to "level 21". Then it's just a case of increasing your light stat based on your loot drops. Obviously higher level raids are more likely to drop higher light level gear. I hope that made sense!! Also the Owl is right on the faction front. The only difference i've seen so far is down to what legendary gear is available. I guess it's to make you work for a full set of gear that affects a certain stat criteria
  16. Stretch616


    Edited original post, but level requirement is actually 26! So i don't any of us will be ready at release, but hopefully sometime soon
  17. I think i'm the same as you Gary. I totally get a sense of acheivement when completing missions and even more so in a team. I got to lvl20 last night and i actually realised that even though there's no more story at this point the game is far, far away from being completed. Loving all the extra strikes, missions and levelling up path that opens up at this soft cap.
  18. Just to let you know we have another member to the Destiny clan. PSN is gazzagarratt. He's a friend of mine that wanted to join but i'm not sure if he'll be joining us on the forum. Also thanks to everybody who i played with over the weekend. I'm having so much fun playing this game at the moment. It's a breath of fresh air when compared to COD and a nice feeling of accomplishment rather than rage
  19. Stretch616


    We'll use this thread to organise time, availability and raid tactics. First raid is live next week which has an entry level of 26. We'll need 2 x full fireteams to participate. I'll post thoughts later on what kind of team makeup i think we'd need
  20. As Chris said Sam. Feel free to give me a shout anytime. Also just approved your clan invite
  21. Don't know for sure. I'll find out what i can but i think it's more or less like they originally said i think. Also did the Venus and Mars strikes tonight. Wow....just wow
  22. The Earth one is childs play compared to the Moon. These high end raids are gonna be mental!
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