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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I've been speaking to him through Destiny messenger. He should be with us shortly
  2. Now the update is live i can finally rant on this!! I have a BIG problem with the Atheon teleport fix. If it was a bug to begin with, it should have been communicated to the community asap with a notification that a "fix" would be incoming. But even then it goes against the grain of how the raids were sold to us. I remember in the hype of the raid that (in bungie's words) "people would talk & organise theirs roles and responsibilties to overcome the biggest challenge". I've paraphrased a bit, but it really does go against the sales pitch. Peraonally, i'd like to see the change implemented as another tier. So tier 1 is normal level and no changes - beginner raid. Tier 2 is hard level with no changes -medium raid. Tier 3 is hard level with random teleports - hard level. This way everyone wins. Beginners can learn all roles without fear and build up confidence on when they go for the big one. What do you guys think?
  3. Purely a speculation thread. Forget about the leaks. Want do you want to see Where is the story going to go What new horrors will we see Etc, etc..... Discuss!
  4. Hey there and welcome! We have a few threads about VoG runs. Add us to your friends list and i'm sure we can get you sorted on a run soon. Once you get to know all the people you'll be running it more often than not.
  5. Grrrrr. Got kicked from servers 3 times through it. Got pissed off. Turned off PS4. Kicked dog. Fucked mrs. Feel better.
  6. I know what you're saying Dave but i don't think it really matters. The whole thing for me is fun. We might only make it through the Templar fight, but so long as people are learning it doesn't matter. I really want to open up these runs to all people that play the game. I take alot of satisfaction from helping a fellow gamer. So let's not be afraid to have a few runs of learning building up to something. I'll try and get an "l plate" run sorted for friday (mrs allowing!)
  7. Nev has messaged me today on the destiny forum and should be on forums shortly!
  8. I've put down a VoG run for Thursday night (uk time) as i was texting Chris about it today. I think Chip will be tagging along as well so there's 3 spots left. Much as i don't agree with the most recent update (random home and away teams on Atheon fight), it'll be a good test of what we've all learnt on our recent runs. Also for any people wanting to try for the first time (new to forum or "old"!). Please make sure to let us know when suits and the more experienced of us will do our best to accomodate and take you through it.
  9. Sorry to hear the news Doc. Sounds like you 2 had a really special bond.
  10. Yeah, good work tonight guys. Just over an hour i made it. Really getting it down now guys and Gary being teleported on the last run made it a little more hectic but a good learning experience!! Also got the boots tonight so i can hit level 30 soon.
  11. I'll put a blog down on our VoG run
  12. On a seperate note, if you are reccomending people to join the clan through in game/destiny forums please can you advise them to read a little overview i put on our Destiny clan page. I think it will help throw a bit more traffic this way. Good to see the place filling up a bit more as it is
  13. Just to add to this... If your team isn't all bunching up for the burn phase then the relic carrier can launch his super at Atheon. Not massive damage, but around 10k per hit from what i remember. Also having a voidwalker on away team to just throw their super down the stairs on away team makes life so much easier
  14. I'm hoping to run another raid tonight if there's interest. Plus the clan is starting to expand so getting that trophy should start to get easier.
  15. Glad you enjoyed it buddy. Hopefully it'll be a bit smoother next time as it was my 1st time leading a raid and also being designated relic carrier. Also fuck those Gorgons!
  16. Awesome job guys. It took a while but we got there! A good learning experience all round tonight i feel. It was nice for me to run as relic carrier with the support of you lot. Plus that Atheon fight could have been so much worse. We really seemed to nail it after a bit of practice. Love, love, love these raids. They bring out fucking loads of em!
  17. Hey Ryan. Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your stay. Hopefully we'll get some games in soon
  18. We'll try and get it ran over the weekend then mate
  19. Should have checked this thread first! I kinda wrote a reply to this on the VOG thread. Anyways, just to be sure you know. I've accepted your request into the FG group, you just now need to upgrade this to clan rather than group on your side.
  20. Welcome to the forum dude. I've approved your group application. You'll just need to upgrade it to clan status rather than group. Add stretch616 as well dude. I'm on UK time but we get a fair few games with our American brethren from time to time Enjoy your stay and get involved. There's some really cool people on here. Apart from Euan, he's ginger, fat and Scottish!
  21. I assume you've already done the weekly heroic on 28? The only other way of getting strange couns quick is to do a whole night on running Tiger strikes. Alot of the blue engrams turn into coins of motes of light
  22. One for casual and one for Sunday best!
  23. What's the score with tonight then peoples? I'd like to get in on a run but won't be starting till 9ish. How is everyone else fixed?
  24. Meh. Nothing for me this week. Going to save my coins. Luckily already had the Suros from last week's nightfall
  25. I'll probably record the next run through i do so i can just use the footage. I think it'd take a while to get all sides filmed to an adequate level. Meh. It'd just be cool to show the non Destiny people what all the fuss is about
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