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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I'm on now but can't see anyone else on. I'll put AW in for now but would still like to run the raid tonight
  2. Ahh i bow down to the wise words above. Some of us have to put up with standard weapins you know!!
  3. Also if 2 get ported to oracles it is possible. It just involves the oracle holder to drop the oracle and spray for a few seconds, pick it up, drop it again, rinse and repeat
  4. Still not played Riot! But my personal favourite is Aztec temple one
  5. For sure. The Destiny forums were (and still are!) ripe with rage against the development process in the game. As always, alot of it is empty threats but there are also a good number of people who feel genuinely let down by Bungie/Activision
  6. Not surprising if they honestly expect the franchise to have a 10 year life span. I just hope they learn lessons from the developmental mistakes on this iteration. Great game, but could have been legendary. It'll take alot of work to bring back the customers they pissed off with this veraion
  7. Also with the portal bug make sure to run round to the normal side. If you go through the other side the it'll put you out in the room right in front of Atheon which doesn't usually end up going well!
  8. So after a few games i've made my mind up on how i like it. The MP is great so far. Nothing seems OP so far & balancing acrosss the perks seems good. Pick 13 is awesome as well as the customisable scorestreaks. However, there's something that's not quite grabbing me like before. I'm not sure why but i just don't see me playing it as much as i have before. Destiny for all it's shortcomings has given me a completley new outlook on what i want from my gaming experience. It's still a great game and i will play it but it's not going to be the only disc in my PS4. Chris summed it up best earlier on for me. "It's not you COD, it's me" But i can totally see why other people will play the crap out of it!
  9. There's an attatchment for the shield for fast melee so that's why it's so quick. Standard melee isn't too bad either though. There's a really cool shield plant attatchment which gives off a stun grenade effect to people stood in front of it. It's really going to be a fun year. I'm upto nearly 300 shield kills already after 1 good night on it. Boost bashing has become a new sport for me!!
  10. Not unlocked it yet. Looking forward to having a go with it though. Just a bit worried about how defenceless it leaves you. Does anyone know if scavenger works on any of exo launchers options?
  11. Yeah. It's kind of annoying watching it back but strangely i didn't notice it at all when playing. Muting people is the way forward i guess!
  12. I'd be down for this. Maybe it'd be a cool series to resurrect the FG youtube account?
  13. Thanks for the kind words folks /Rich - Hope you enjoy dude!
  14. Haven't really got the coins this week. So i'm hoping nothing good. If i had the coins though i would also go with GJALLARHORN. Or some other kind of exotic heavy
  15. I just had a pretty good few games with the shield and i'm buzzing on COD again. If the connection stays stable and i can get games like this, then this will be a good year on COD for me. Here's one of my recent games for your viewing pleasure:
  16. I've got football at 7 so should 9pm should be fine for me. I'll get my COD fix tonight then
  17. Surprisingly i'm rocking the shield with the RW1(?) pistol. It feels a lot more protective this time around and hopefully will be a good laugh to use. I'm just a bit gutted they put the tactical and lethal grenades into one pool. No more stun and throwing knife for me. Plus this years throwing knife doesn't even unlock till level 49! Going to be a bit of a grind this year!
  18. Tried playing tryhard and got pissed off with spawns and doing shit Put on riot shield class, did better and enjoyed it a fuck load more. Great addition to the series for me. I've just realised i may be past my cod prime. So it's time to stop tryharding and time to just have fun Edit: Euan is still a cock
  19. Not judging anyone that does it, but i don't want to be part of a cheese run. I want to have the satisfaction from beating him as intended. My 0.02, but the game is there to be played how you want it!
  20. That the crates in the top left hand corner of the room?
  21. Having golden gun and being on away team for Atheon is a match made in heaven. 3 shots, 3 oracles. Loads of time saved. I don't think there is a standout class. All have their merits.
  22. Watching Euan's stream last night makes me inclined to agree that faster is not better. When jumping about like a mad frog he was getting a 1(ish)k/d but when he was only boosting occasionally and pre adsing on the corners he was doing much better. Note: Not saying K/D is a good measure, just using it to make my point
  23. Not going to be able to raid tonight. But Weds/Thurs i should be good
  24. Errrr, as it turns out i'm going to the pub tonight to watch the footie. So probably won't get on till 10.30 earliest if at all
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