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Plumbers Crack

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Everything posted by Plumbers Crack

  1. Good becuase my PS3 controller is getting knackered and I won't be getting a PS4 straight away
  2. Cal, I stopped at 10 - how many did you nest in the end?
  3. If where the fish come from had white sand, then theyare probably going to settle better with it, they can see any food on the floor easier and they'll probably look better against the white sand. White gets my vote
  4. Try the Canary Isles - that area is warm (not hot blazing sunshine) in winter
  5. Take it he's Scottish? *waits for celtic retribution*
  6. Thought I'd ask for advice before I start playing around with this. I use Dropbox on my work and home computers to store work files so I can work in either place easily. My problem is my home PC is running low on space on C: drive so I want to move the Dropbox folder to a different drive as it holds a lot of files with drawings etc Dropbox web site recommends keeping it on the same drive as the OS but this may not be practical for me. The different drive is internal so would be available when the machine is on. Has anyone done this and is it easy or are there complications?
  7. I have a FaceAche account with just my three sons as contacts so I can keep in touch with them when they go travelling etc. I must admit it has been very useful while my youngest has been deployed in Afghan but I'm with Techno - if it disappeared, meah! Same goes for Twatter (sorry Mike!) opened an account for a laugh a couple of years ago and finally remembered to close it this week!
  8. From the ShoutBox Palle : It's just so hard...(10 October 2013 - 04:38 AM)
  9. I agree with the rest of the boys Doc. I think you played it spot on
  10. Well, played a few games on the beta (sorry for kicking the invites back Ryan but I prefer looking a twat in private on a new game ) Preferred it without vehicles after proving I can't drive an APV for toffee Thought, yeah not a bad game I suppose......... Then Mike's post about dedi servers for Ghosts..........oooohhhh!!?? How does that make people feel? Obviously the proof of the pudding is in the eating but it certainly makes the menu more interesting!!
  11. "Professional sports"? What?!! $1 million for a CoD game?? The world's gone mad!
  12. Ozil to Arsenal looks like Deal of the Season already!
  13. ^^^ HAHAHAHAHAHA^^^^ that was nearly lunch across the PC screen Euan you're too fast!!
  14. He's been a little quiet but I had a text from him on Sunday morning I think
  15. I was worried you hadn't posted Dave then assumed you were playing with your new video card. I take it Saturday night was as bad as Friday? Haven't seen anything of Stretch or Dave C - I presume they survived?
  16. I discussed with Dave Cator possibly getting BF3 as it's reasonably cheap atm but decided that everyone playing it now are prob experts so it may be better to wait for 4
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