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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. Anyone give the LMG's a good look yet? The Gorgon is a lot of fun. Use it like you would a scout rifle. Hits real hard. And, the 6 round burst LMG seems really good too. Jason was using it tonight and doing real well.
  2. ICR-1 has become my go-to gun. I've been doing much better since I started using it. I think I'll stick with it for a while.
  3. I hate to hear so many people are having connection issues. I expected the worst coming into the game, but so far it's been great.
  4. I haven't really found my go to gun yet. I like the Kuda. I haven't found an AR that I love. I like several, but nothing has grabbed me yet. I'm only level 17 or so though, so I've got a lot more to try.
  5. Don't do it man! Stay strong.
  6. Oh yeah??? PM me a link.
  7. I didn't want to get suckered into buying another CoD game, playing it for a few days, and then quitting out of frustration. But... here I am. I've got the game and I've played about 10 matches or so. Connection - The number one concern I had going into the game was the connection. So far I'd give it a 8/10. I've a few little hiccups, but nothing major at all. It was a moment of lag or whatever, never a full game or session. It's still early to say, but this is just a first impression. So far so good. Maps - One of the things that can make or break a CoD game for me are the maps. I love that they've gone back to the traditional 3 lane maps. I've only played a handful of them so far, but I've enjoyed each of them. Some better than others, but I haven't had one that I hate yet. They all look good, play good, and the colors are decent enough. I hate the gray/tan look of some of the Ghosts maps. Like I said, I haven't played them all yet, but first impressions are good. 8/10. Guns - I used a few during the Beta and I've only used 2 since release, but so far so good. They feel right and look good. There seems to be a decent selection. I haven't heard of anything being completely OP yet, so that's good. Early impressions, 8/10. Perks - Still to early to say much on this. I haven't explored them all that much. However, I will say that I don't care for the Specialist stuff at all. I think it's just something extra added to the game that we could do without. I don't think it's game breaking, but I don't care for it. Time will tell I guess. 7/10.
  8. So far I've enjoyed all of the maps I've played. Metro and Fringe are probably my favorites so far.
  9. This. I plan on primarily playing Call of Duty for a while, but I'll definitely be interested in Destiny again when something new comes out that I haven't seen 20x already.
  10. World at War was my favorite campaign. Loved that game.
  11. Hell yeah! One Shot One Kill was amazing!
  12. I was reading that in the comments on one of the videos or in the reddit comments. Pretty interesting. Who is this female Commander Sheppard? His sister, his mother, his daughter? I. Need. To. Know.
  13. I think it would bring in a lot of money. Like you said, there are already a lot of war movies out there. But, most kids aren't interested in history or true stories. I think this would sell big time on the name alone. Every teenager and early 20's guy would be all over this. It could be a garbage movie (and in my opinion would be), but it would sell tickets just on the brand. I don't think it would be a difficult sell at all. Easy money, shit movie. There's good material to work with from the Modern Warfare game, but I have zero faith that they'd do it right.
  14. What do you guys think about this? I've never played WoW, but this seems like it might be pretty cool. The Orcs look bad ass.
  15. I'm absolutely picking this up on release. I'm still going back and forth if I want it on PC or PS4. It's obviously going to be better on PC, but do I want to spend a few hours at a time sitting in a PC chair playing, or would I rather be on my couch playing. I feel like I might end up choosing PS4 over PC just for the comfort factor. This is one of those games that you can spend 2 or 3 hours playing and not realize any time has passed by at all. My PC chair isn't anything special, so I don't think I'd enjoy playing for long sessions. But, I know that the game will be better on PC.... decisions, decisions.
  16. That's pretty awesome.
  17. I like it. Looks badass, and makes that one golden gun shot hit like a truck. If you've got the coins to spare, go for it. If you're low on coins, maybe hold off.
  18. What? So are there no names on characters at all now? Or, is that just HC?
  19. Thanks for posting these, Dave. I bought one of each exotic and a helm engram. Forgot about 3 of coins until I only had coins left for one stack if 5.
  20. It's amazing what a little better hardware can do. I'd like to see a PS4 vs PC version of this. #PCMASTERRACE Lol. Seriously though, the 360 version looks like shit. Worse than past games. Way worse.
  21. Haha. That's great. I'd love to see that go down.
  22. I threw some hammers at a ship the other day to see what would happen. It lit that shit on fire and the guns went flying off of it. Pretty cool! Bart, did you ever get that video of me doing a titan smash just as you went by on your sparrow? I landed on the sparrow and he carried for a bit before it finished the smash animation.
  23. Yeah, I saw you kept getting d.c. Bummer man. Yeah, you just had 10 kills since the last diaconnect. Oh well... it was fun. Catch ya later.
  24. Good games this morning, Pat. That strike was crazy difficult for some reason. Hope you got a good drop.
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