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Everything posted by BO7H B4RRELS

  1. I hate working weekends. I want to beat that Warpriest.
  2. Good post. 10/10. Same goes for cell phones. Leave that shit alone when you're driving. A vehicle is a big, heavy fucking weapon. Be careful. Glad you were able to help the best you could, Bart.
  3. Yeah, I used my scout rifle the knights down. 297 Suros DIS-43. I didn't use a sniper the entire raid. I was impressed with myself overall The only real fuck-up I had was leaving the relay a second too early once. Otherwise, I did good. I love that Suros DIS-43, but I'd like to find something with a little quicker fire rate. It's pretty slow.
  4. That was my whole point. I'm probably doing more dps with my fusion. I suck at snipers in this game.
  5. Okay, cool. Thanks for the explanation. I'll switch over at that part.
  6. Why a sniper? I kind of suck with them. But if they'd be significantly better than a fusion, I'll switch over.
  7. Can't use your super if you're dead.
  8. I went ahead and bought Red Death. The lifesteal would be very useful.
  9. That was a lot of fun. I love the teamwork and coordination required. The relay was probably my favorite part. Although, watching fails on the jump puzzle was pretty fun too! I had planned on using my shotgun a good bit, but I don't think I used it once. Scout rifle, Fusion, and LMG seemed to be a solid combo for my play style.
  10. Holy shit that was fun. Good stuff guys. I love the coordination and teamwork required.
  11. Dayum! Very nice. I'll take one please.
  12. An upcoming video game is getting lots of buzz in the gamer community for a unique twist: If you get killed while playing Upsilon Circuit, you can never play again. "In most video games, death is a minor annoyance," notes a post at Smithsonian, but not in this case. Here, the idea of what's being called "perma-permadeath" is to mess "with everyone's notion of what it means to be a gamer and a game," writes Brian Crecente at Polygon. The broad strokes: Two teams of four players each navigate their way through obstacles and enemies, while being observed in live time by online spectators at the game's website or through streaming services such as Twitch. Those spectators can pay to help the players or sic evils upon them, a la the Hunger Games. "We're monetizing trolling," says co-creator Calvin Goble of the Robot Loves Kitty studio. Once a player dies, a spectator is randomly selected to replace him. Goble tells Wired that a big part of the experiment is see whether players behave differently knowing that they're mortal, in a sense. “What I’m hoping happens is that the experience evolves and that the people who live longest will respect their one life, be more cautious and careful,” he says, adding ominously, "the only way we can go a step up from this is if we actually start killing the contestants in real life." Because only eight players can play at any one time, the creators hope spectators become similarly invested, to actually care when a player who's managed to survive for a while goes down. Players aren't the only things with a shelf life—the game itself will end after a year. "Talk about devious," observes Maxim. No date yet on when the game will start.
  13. I'm down for sure. Titan, Defender. 295 Light.
  14. That's weird man. Rng would allow for that, but it sucks for you.
  15. I don't know man, but I love that gun. It's my go-to AR for my Titan.
  16. Awesome. Yeah, man, I wouldn't mind doing that. I love running strikes.
  17. I did. It's not as good as the one I already have leveled up.
  18. I dropped a second Taikonaut as well. I'm hanging onto it to infuse into a purple if I find one I like.
  19. http://www.businessinsider.com/map-shows-solar-panels-to-power-the-earth-2015-9 I thought this article/graphic was pretty interesting. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Anyone have a solar panel to power their home?
  20. Maybe claim viking heritage?
  21. LOL I've got a goatee that is 4-1/2 inches long. My work is trying to get me to cut it to under 1". Nope. Not gonna do it.
  22. Okay, thanks man.
  23. Have we heard how/if the 3 coins thing has changed?
  24. Very cool. NIce post.
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