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Everything posted by DarkArch3typ3

  1. I hope they add multiplayer. That would be Fucking awesome!
  2. Cowboy dance!
  3. Geth shotgun is a beast. At level one it one shot kill weak enemies. How I use it: charge up each shot by holding the shoot. Point at the problem you want to go away and release. If it's a marauder, you may have to follow up with a quick shot.
  4. Strictly to exfoliate before going to bed.
  5. http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://i.imgur.com/fNEV9Ul.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/2zi4zu/image_searched_my_first_name_glamour_shots_matts/&h=427&w=620&tbnid=HhSfHbJOqr-Y-M:&zoom=1&docid=_YTf4Fz_tBXLjM&hl=en-CA&ei=JhttVe70DM2NyASY1YGABg&tbm=isch&ved=0CB0QMygAMAA
  6. Frank 4 prime minister!
  7. Ok well since you kicked him out, you have to upload Xur details every Friday. I expect it to be alphabetical and in the morning. =D
  8. Look what happened is understandable Dave. I spoke to him once and he continued on. I. However is cool with Ryan continue to run with him. Don't feel like you have to pick or choose. This situation is becoming too highschool like. Ryan will probably delete most FG member off his friend list. He kind of has to at this point to avoid future encounters. Honestly this whole situation stinks.
  9. Ah, yeah I never understood that. I was pretty appreciative to have found a community that accepted Canadians.
  10. Diddums how did you ban him when he was in ghallajhornies?
  11. I'm going to be honest, I'm still friends with Ryan. I've never had a problem him and he hasn't with me, I hope. Frank, no offense buddy but that's annoying when you're trying to complete PoE or playing crucible and people keep entering and leaving the party. I personally wouldn't blow up, but I understand. As his spat with Bart, again no offense, but the way Bart talks is very Stern and blunt. He doesn't sugar coat anything and I respect that. If you don't understand people that are blunt, it becomes pretty easy to take offense to what they say. Bart there were a few times when I though man this guy is pretty angry. It's not your tone but the way you write. I hope no one takes offense if I jump on parties with Ryan. I'm still cool with him.
  12. Trying to get a lot of coin with vanilla weapons takes a lot of skill, I think anyone can back me up on that lol.
  13. You guys need to join me3 where it's always skill. No luck. Pure raw powdered skill.
  14. You can respect two ways: You get a power card from packs You promote your character. Once you get geth trooper, you can just wreck shit. It's stupidly easy. Don't put any thing into hunter mode and max out your power damage and health. Beast.
  15. The more I look into this game the more I'm liking it. Especially if others pock it up also. I'll probably pick it up.
  16. Little tip: Quickest way to kill a human enemy is influence them with the Axii sign. Your next sword hit is an automatic critical and they will most likely be dead. I was level 6 and killed like 8 level 10 deserters with one hit!
  17. Yeah its an awesome app. I donated $15 to the guy who made it. He definitely deserves a donation for such a simple yet effective app. He emailed me and thanked me. He did say this is just the beta and he'll have a new version dropping for.$.99 with extra features the free one won't have.
  18. Only people without ghallajhorn will say that. =P
  19. Just sticking up for us kanatians
  20. With his tongue of course.
  21. I bought a lot of recruits but decided to switch to the Arsenal pack for a while. I get what Jason wants to do but even if you max out all your crappy vanilla weapons you still won't do damage. No one likes the weapons you start with. Go for the Arsenal and try to get the geth shotgun. Once you have that everything else becomes easy. Once you get the geth trooper Soldier you become a monster. That guy is a beast.
  22. Circle. Hold for heavy.
  23. Kind of reminds me of the older gta lol.
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