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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I agree with Tiger. I did that already. I didn't try the test for level 1 for the longest time. When I did and passed I was already half way to two. Also there are a number of hints only about that wall run for level 8. Change the controller setting X to toggle seems to be a big important
  2. Have you guys done void missions? I have a number of keys and missions that are ready. From what I understand the the only way to party up with those is to invite clan members or friends to the missions Maybe we can try to use up some of those keys when there are a number of us on
  3. I believe you mean General Sargas Ruk. You have to wait for him to attack and have the shield open at the back. He is too armored to do anything else. If you have team mates that are decent surround him and draw fire. The person who is behind should attack. You are kind of alone go between cover and try to get behind him after he uses an ability. Also someone with a good sniper rifle could help.
  4. personally I would love to see them go Free to play with micro transactions. Shitty games die a pretty quick death when that happens. A majority of us pay $70 plus a season pass for the major releases. That's about $130. That could be quite a number of micro transactions depending on what they are. Then if the games sucks on day one, you don't have to spend a dime on it
  5. The PS4 free one or a better one?
  6. do you guys use head sets at all. I haven't set one up for the PS4 since most games have not mattered so far
  7. I think you also want to think about which companions (if any) you are going to want to spend time to determine the character. Lydia for example is pretty useless if you want to be stealth and sneak up on people. I played elves with the bow and max archery and smiting I played orc with armor and double handed weapons. I had the dragon armor I played wood elf with sneak and destruction magic You can max sneak and archery and destruction magic by going in Draugr dungeons and sneak up on the ones that are sleeping and kill them. That counts as a sneak attack and allows you to level those skills up quickly. The were all a lot of fun.
  8. I'm pretty sure it is illegal, but I'm also pretty that for a few t-shirt no one will give a shit and the t-shirt place would print it. I you went in for to have 1000 shirts made, it would be a different story. People protect their trademark to prevent other people making money based on their brand. I really don't think that's the case here and deterioration said I don't think they would want type of publicity
  9. I did. It's not bad but it has pay to win mentality. You have to pay for your unlocks if you want to keep them. The default weapons however are pretty good. the game play is also pretty good. I was getting better connections than CoD with the game.
  10. I think you would like it because it is quite similar to ME3 multiplayer. However the missions are shorter and you don't have multiple waves come in and out. You just play more missions. I kind of like that because some of those missions on ME2 could take quite a long time. Instead of leveling up your character, you level up your frame and you need to craft mods to get better mods. the games doesn't lag too much and the quality is pretty good. I would say that my biggest complaint is the lack of information or instructions. I can be pretty darn confusing to figure things out. But you can use the wiki to help you out. Try it on the PC and see if you like what you see. I don't know what the requirements are but it will give you a feel for what to expect without having to invest in a PS4.
  11. When do you guys play. I had a look in the Dojo the other day and there didn't seem to be anything I could contribute. Where do I have to be to get what is needed? Right now I'm able to do first 2 planets
  12. Probably. It was cool but it is a DLC. With all the good games this November I expect that most people will pass and wait for the price to come down. The game was kind of stupid any ways. What police force has attack helicopters and would engage over a city with criminals that also have attack helicopters.
  13. Got the first season on Blue ray for fathers day. Enjoying it so far. So is the wife so I figure we will be getting the other seasons. HBO is too expensive here so we aren't going to see it real time
  14. I must be missing something then. I started playing and I didn't have a clue what I am supposed to try to do. The game play is pretty good. It actually reminds me of Borderlands 2 a lot. Same type of color, map, feel, animation. I only played 25-30 minutes because I was busy so I couldn't invest much in it.
  15. You can also camp in their vault with med packs and wait for them to come
  16. I tried it. Connection quality is hit and miss for me, which means it's just as good as CoD or BF4 The 2 games mode are kind of interesting and at the vehicles are alright. I am not sure what goes on in the progression. It's pretty vague. I kind of liked it, it's a bit Cod like in terms of the small maps in more arcade shooter and less objectives/Vehicles. Other cool thing is you earn money (xp) as you go along. That money is used to purchase things for your kits.
  17. Got mine also. Will probably trying it tonight or tomorrow
  18. co-op was in FC3 and was a lot of fun. Biggest problem was getting a match
  19. They are hilarious. One of the few video games my daughter played.
  20. I'd say PS4 just for the numbers. I think PS4 leads XBONE 2 to 1 right now and growing. Also there have been a few "free" games that are pretty good. A lot of us play Warframe. Planetside 2 is coming soon. DC universe online (if you like that kind of stuff). I've always had a playstation so I can't comment about making the change but I like my PS4, I just wish there were more games at the moment but is coming
  21. What do you mean. That guy looks just like me. Besides everytime I put an avatar up, we end up changing sites
  22. I think I know now. I'll invite my dad and his wife for dinner and BBQ up something. I use to go fishing or golfing with him, but he's diabetic and 75 years old so there isn't too much gas left in the tank unfortunately. My son will be re-certifying his CPR that day and my daughter will be getting ready for final exams. So I'm not expecting much from them. Before my dad comes I be working on repairing our basement. We had some flooding this winter due to a faulty platon membrane and a saw cut on the basement window that we were not aware of. I already replaced dry wall and did the mudding. I'll probably be painting and replacing the damaged cork floor that was there. I'm not complaining. I like doing that kind of stuff. I'm not exactly in Drifter's league but being able to fix the stuff the you care about is therapeutic to me.
  23. Don't know if you guys outside of the US have this sale or not but if you are planning to get a number of new games it would be worth looking at. http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/e3.aspx?icmp=home_hero_big_20140606_E32014_en Might even be worth pooling purchases together
  24. That's why you shouldn't believe guys who want their dick sucked ...
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