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Luseth last won the day on November 23

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  1. Fifa Pro Clubs - EA FC 24

    So, I don't know how many more sessions will be on this FC game but I will keep the events going till we all agree to move across 🙂


    Would urge people don't leave it til christmas if possible as it sounds like a fair number of people are picking it up a little earlier this year round ^_^


    Anyway, who is up for some clubs tonight? Would be nice to try and win the top league at least once on this game surely?

  2. DnD Night

    Thought I would set up an event, hopefully everyone can make it?


    So the last session found us leaving town, somewhat unprepared and not really facing the reality of the danger ahead of us. Our session consisted of some travelling which began with Arn taking the lead point, on leaving town he stumbled down some potholes that the local council obviously don't have the budget to fill in and ultimately they are now craters wherby Arn makes a fool of himself and gets trampled by the cart.


    The second leg of the journey went far more uneventful.


    Followed by the final leg wherby Brock aka magic man led us in the wrong direction for a few hours. This ended up with us coming across a cavern, seeing it as a good place to rest the group go to explore the cavern, Arn being his usual rush in self charged straight in and fell into a pit, a trap by a Warlock (sorry Cal I can't remember your characters name or even if the class is right!)


    The warlock seemed to take a dislike to the bear, or at least certainly felt he was a threat and was ready to turn him into a nice bear steak before the rest of the group turned up. Explaining the situation we end up with a new travelling companion, whom Lavander has taken an instant like to despite Arn's charming efforts to woo her.


    The night begins rather quiet, the 2 dragons befriend one another with Breadbin showing disdain for our loveable bear Arn, the second stint see's Brock try to console Arn and advise him to slow things down a little only for the final stint, where our completely unsuspicious new friend is left alone to guard the camp seeing us come under attack by some bandits. The battle is resolved fairly quickly with heads rolling all over the place. It did give Lavender and her companion (I forgot his name) a little bit of hope that this group was not entirely useless as had first appeared....

  3. FG Friday - Wreckfest!

    So seeing if we can get any Friday sessions on the go again, I am starting with Wreckfest as I know a fair few of us have this one.


    Get your names down and see if we can get a few of us together!

  4. The tale continues... (DnD Night)

    Join us for a night of DnD, featuring answers to all the big questions -

    - Will our group make it out of town?

    - Will Cal even show up?

    - Will Arn take Lavender back to his room in the tavern or will they letter their inner beasts rage in the wilderness?

    - Oh and will we be able to discover and take this treasure from under the nose of Drax the white?

  5. Battlefield V Session

    Be good to get a squad of us on this, @KriessG is a brilliant BF player so he should be able to guide us to victory 😛 


    But yeah this game still holds up pretty well and it could be fun to get into this or something similar with COD having taken a back seat in recent months, I think at this stage it might be difficult to get back into that before the next game!

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