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Luseth last won the day on December 28

Luseth had the most liked content!



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  1. FG Friday - Wreckfest! until

    Not sure there are many people who don't enjoy racing around on lawnmowers, on a sofa or inside a huge bus!


    Let's get some people back on this, this year for some carnage mayhem! It won't be long until the new game is out either!

  2. FG Friday - Black Ops 6 until

    FG Friday's have not happened much recently but it would be nice to begin the new year with one of these.


    So with everyone having bought this recently how about we get some private matches on the go with Black ops 6. Beginning the evening with some prop hunt!



  3. EA FC 25 - Pro Clubs Night until

    So let's get things going again. With it being the Christmas break and us having a little more time I plan to have my laptop set up this evening with a stats spreadsheet set up. I want to see how many times @GazzaGarratt get's sent off in an evening, how many assists @Macca89 get's and just how many AFK's @LordBaguette really commits to!


    8pm start as always, first come first serve on positions and 3 games to a position before we switch up.



  4. D&D Night

    Our adventure continues…


    Streaming Event over on Twitch, for anyone else interested.

  5. EA FC Pro Clubs session

    Another Monday, another clubs session?


    Mart did well as any last week so I am happy to vote him in again 😛 


    Get your names down if you are on this week please 🙂 

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