We only really get on once a week at the moment but I am thoroughly enjoying this. It is filling the void that battlefield has left since BFV which is great. Obviously less destruction but that is sort of mitigated by the base building.
You can see how many players still do not understand the logistical side of things around the supplies and such, it can be a bit frustrating when someone spawn's in and nicks off with all the supplies by bringing in vehicles, loadouts and such while you are trying to build up a base.
We did take a beating last time we were on, similarly I don't think the group I play with fully appreciates a well built up base. A group joined the Soviet side and came in and took half the map rather quickly as they took out the radio beacons to prevent spawns and the bases had no ai and such to defend them.
For the first time in a shooter sniping is incredibly satisfying too, but the ai leave room for improvement. Getting one shotted at sniper range by someone holding an AK is absurd.
I have had one go in the chopper and for some reason it locked my camera once I took off and I could not turn it round at all which made it particularly difficult, still somehow managed to land it with only 1 guy in my squad dying (but he did jump out before I had landed so his own fault!)