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Luseth last won the day on March 11

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  1. They are a bit pointless aren't they? Friday's for me are generally the day I have no meetings, get left alone all day and work from home with no one really knowing what I am doing. It tends to be the day I book my dentist appointments, doctors appointments and all the rest of it as I know few people will realy want me on a Friday. What are your Friday's like?
  2. Get your names down so we know who is attending! Let's see if we can keep our winning streak going!
  3. So I have been having great fun with this and thought i would put up a little clip that sums up some of the PvE side of things so here you go!
  4. Giving this thread a nudge as it is going to be release in May. I have looked at some of the recent footage and though it looks a bit janky it is looking like it could be great fun. There are 3 zones, 1 which is kind of starter friendly, 1 which is then PvE and bigger in scope and then an end game one which then include's the PvP element. The discussion around the PvP area is that because it is a whole bunch of servers all meshed together you could potentially have up to 900 players in this larger end game area at any one time and it appears to take some influence from Battlefield and Planetside games. Definately one I will be giving a try I think.
  5. Sounds good, I will be on earlyish I think if my wife goes out with the kids to her moms and then probably jump on again around 8 I would have thought so if you see me on just give me a nudge or jump in a game room and I'll join you 🙂
  6. I haven't been on too much but should be on tomorrow evening as my wife takes the kids over to her moms so will see how much I get through in a couple of hours. I am very much the sort to just wander and explore and probably not get much done on these sort's of games though 😄
  7. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Getting the stats updated early this week. I don't think anyone would disagree when I say that has to have been one of our most successful nights especially with the play off's. We played 11 and won 11 which is brilliant so gg's guys!
  8. Pro clubs event for this evening, get your names down!
  9. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Forgot to mention the stats are updated from the past few weeks 🙂
  10. I'm giving this a nudge as I have picked up the game recently. Having never had an opportunity to play through the games properly despite them being the sort of thing I would enjoy I just thought I would see if anyone fancies playing through the game and DLC with me as a squad at some point? I have been enjoying my PvE games recently such as left 4 dead, warhammer and such and it would be nice to keep this going a little bit if possible 🙂
  11. Luseth

    How do!

    Hi Kohken, I think I have heard of Nexgen before but can't recall where. I tend to prefer forum's still as I like a good thought out conversation, forum's tend to provide an outlet for that compared to modern day social media. That said some of the cr*p that get's spouted here can be just as bad so I will apologise in advance! There are a friendly bunch here albeit can sometimes be a little quiet as a lot of the group tend to forget the site is more than just the whatsapp groups! But yeah tell us about you and what you are into and such! And welcome!
  12. We only really get on once a week at the moment but I am thoroughly enjoying this. It is filling the void that battlefield has left since BFV which is great. Obviously less destruction but that is sort of mitigated by the base building. You can see how many players still do not understand the logistical side of things around the supplies and such, it can be a bit frustrating when someone spawn's in and nicks off with all the supplies by bringing in vehicles, loadouts and such while you are trying to build up a base. We did take a beating last time we were on, similarly I don't think the group I play with fully appreciates a well built up base. A group joined the Soviet side and came in and took half the map rather quickly as they took out the radio beacons to prevent spawns and the bases had no ai and such to defend them. For the first time in a shooter sniping is incredibly satisfying too, but the ai leave room for improvement. Getting one shotted at sniper range by someone holding an AK is absurd. I have had one go in the chopper and for some reason it locked my camera once I took off and I could not turn it round at all which made it particularly difficult, still somehow managed to land it with only 1 guy in my squad dying (but he did jump out before I had landed so his own fault!)
  13. I had meant to put up a post and forgot about it! It looks absolutely bonkers but sometimes the bonkers ideas can be the best! I feel it's worth a look when it comes out.
  14. Modric had all the time in the world to take that shot, if anything that just show's how poor some of the Spanish defending is! Iwata's goal for us in the cup against Newcastle was better I think had someone closing him down at least and didn't have time to control the ball before the shot!
  15. So, I gave it a brief go and played the first few hours. It's better than some of the reviews were suggesting I think. In fact I would go so far as to suggest reviewers are doing the common thing of picking out a game similar or made by the same dev's etc and just comparing the 2 and when a feature is not in the newer game they complain about it, with no consideration as to whether or not it is a design choice or such. I won't be playing the game fully just yet with the other games I have on (I am letting my game pass lapse this month), I need to start completing some games but I will come back to it I think at some point.
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