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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Oh go on then [emoji6] If I'm not on destiny just give me a shout and I'll jump on.
  2. Hi there. I'm a noob compared to the 'old bunch' (yes, all the ones above and more) but i can already say this is a great bunch of guys and gals on the forum and not just for Destiny. I'm sure we'll cross paths on over the next few weeks. [emoji2]
  3. If i have the money I'll be getting this on PS4, definitely the hard copy as well. Sounds like a fun upbeat multiplayer.
  4. I'm around. Send me a party invite as I'll happily swap games.
  5. Best part of listening to the raid was.... Ryan: Euan, just shoot the oracles. Stretch: Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that part Euan: You say that like I know what's being going on the whole time.....[emoji85] [emoji23] [emoji23]
  6. Solo'd first got me 9 coins. Crispy joined me at the end of 2nd run...he got last word, i got achophylage symbiote (exotic shard).
  7. Never say never...If you and Gary can get Hawkmoon's in a week, anything can happen. [emoji6]
  8. Yes...the language you use...and your country of birth [emoji6]
  9. I read this yesterday and thought yes!!...until the time zone popped up at a shite UK time. Hope they do this again at a better time for the UK.
  10. I'll be downloading on ps4 to have a tryout
  11. Join the party Bart! We'd have ran it with you!Me, Ryan and Crispy got exotics - i got monte carlo which tbh I'm happy about as I've never had it before.
  12. Fuck yeah! Great challenge! I'll be on within the hour. [emoji106]
  13. Haha! Coooortaaanaaa!! Me like!
  14. Totally with it Dave. Just a few thoughts... Timing may be difficult for me to help in the afternoons as i have the kids around me. If I'm honest it may be even easier if we people register their name here with the bit/raid they want to learn e.g. holding the relic, templar, etc. If they can also put times when they are on I'd rather work around them; they might not be able to afternoons. [emoji4]
  15. I'm in as you know Gary. Just need to work out regular times that work gor tye majority and go from there i think.Irony is I'm struggling to get on of late aa work has gone abit mental. Will try to be on pvter the next few days if this suits most people...[emoji4]
  16. I'm in as you know Gary. Just need to work out regular times that work for the majority and go from there i think.Irony is I'm struggling to get on of late as work has gone abit mental. Will try to be on over the next few days if this suits most people...[emoji4]
  17. Hello! Looking forward to more runs with you rodders [emoji4]
  18. Managed to grind the last day of IB to get the light 36 gauntlets & Timurs lash. Also dropped the AR from IB so worth staying on late for a solo glimmer run! Reforged the perks of the AR to get active sights, field scout and hip fire. Will get back on with you guys over the next few days...thanks for being patient with me being a loner for abit! [emoji6]
  19. Up for anything is my PvP gun. Wish i had the dropped gun as 56 in a clip would make it a clear winner.
  20. + 1. You'll probably find most of us on so we can grind it out together [emoji6] I'm enjoying farcry 4 atm. Great for killing time and tons to achieve.
  21. Thanks pal! Hope you get on a raid tonight [emoji3]
  22. Cheers mate, that'd be great to do soon. I'm sure we can set up a night for a few beers up the local near you. [emoji106] Thanks mate, its not til tomorrow but its nice to get out for a rare meal night on a selfish note!
  23. + 1. Top night lads!Oh, and Diddums you absolute ledge for taking your ps4 to work to grind with everyone! I admit, i need your gung-ho-ness in my life on a more regular basis!
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