They are the same, and it won't change. Gun control won't change, either. The gun debate is fueled by emotion and a fantasy world on both sides. The hard core gun rights people will obstruct any true attempt to get hands out of crazy people's hands with the "what part of shall not be infringed do you not understand" mentality and because they see conspiracy and police state in their own shadow, they'll slipperly slope it to death as "the government will just declare us all crazy" type bullshit. The hard core anti-gunners will pretend guns will just disappear if more laws are passed and ignore the huge population of gun owners who aren't murderous assholes.
A prime example is the irresponsible assholes who leave guns out where children can find them because "if someone breaks into my house, I don't have time to unsecure the gun..." thinking. They'll claim the statistics about it being more dangerous to have an unsecure firearm in the house are lies, manipulated, include suicides, etc. They aren't, from my experience. I'm so sick and fucking tired of seeing children shot because of people leaving their guns out. You know how many home invasions I've had stopped with a firearm in the last year? One. You know how many children I've had shot? Four, one fatally, two permanently disfigured (missing a finger and a thumb, respectively), and one that will heal up ok. All 6 and under. But if you suggest mandatory trigger locks, gun safes, or keeping it in a holster, you are anti-2nd amendment and against safety. If you're really worried about a home invasion, under the sofa is a stupid fucking place for a gun, on your hip in a holster is the smart play.
After Newtown, all we heard was "we don't need gun control, we need better mental health laws, etc." Go to a gun forum now, and that's forgotten. No, its all tyranny and blood on the tree of freedom if you try to disarm the suicidal or mentally ill.