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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. This Ziggs build as working for me: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ziggs-an-in-depth-nuclear-apocalypse-180165
  2. Good man. -- Bought Wukong and Ahri, really enjoying them at the moment
  3. I always play with my IRL friends + I think we're on different servers anyway
  4. Sorry to post it here Dave but this one takes the cake: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b35_1384558275
  5. Use that build I put in the shoutbox, also you can use your Ulti over walls which is nice. Max out your Drain spell ASAP as wrecks champs if they dont know how to deal with it!
  6. In that video there aren't any spoilers by the way, if thats what you're hesitant about
  7. Just don't buy it off of a website, pls
  8. The FOV is locked at 65, I can't see a fucking thing
  9. It'll be the best decision (gaming wise) that you'll ever make, just sayin'
  10. First PvP game as Ziggs: We lost though
  11. Yay! Now I might be able to play this game now! Although League is pretty good too...
  12. They have http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Map you can make them so they cover massive area as well
  13. Yeah they have peasant things on there but its mainly master race items
  14. Just tried Ziggs.. holy mother of god. Felt bad because I stole 4 kills with Q but oh well. Bought Volibear as he was on sale, wasnt a big fan to be honest so I still have 2.2k Rp
  15. https://www.g2a.com/ Bough BF4, Ghosts an FIFA14 off of there, really cheap and you can use PayPal or can just put in your card details. Codes come within 10 minutes also
  16. Ziggs is free to use this week, I'll try him out!
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